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6 Responses

  1. You guys are great. Thanks infinitely for the support you provide to the Tekken community with this data. Cheers

  2. Hey I’m headed to Oslo and Tromso in January for two weeks next year. Is there a place, tournament, session or anything like that where I can play some guys in Norway?

    Please let me know

    Thanks in advance

    1. I don’t know if there is anything in Tromsø, but in Oslo we have casuals and tournaments from time to time.
      The best thing is to join the group “Norsk Fighting Game Community – FCG” on facebook. Most of it is in Norwegian, but feel free to add posts in English 🙂

  3. Hei!

    Hvor ofte har dere samlinger, og hvor mange er dere sånn ca? Selger dere snacks, mat, drikke hos dere?

    1. Hei, nå er det lenge siden vi har hatt samling, men mulig det blir noe om ikke så lenge. Ikke noe salg av forfriskninger. Er vel alt fra 20-50 tenker jeg.

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