
Clive T8 Frames (Guest Character)

Tekken Docs Showcase 02


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To character select | Claudio / Devil Jin

CommandHit levelDamageStart up frameBlock frameHit frameCounter hit frameNotes
2+3m[12;12]i16+1+2c* Heat Burst* Cancel to r45 with b,b* 3 chip damage on block* 12 chip damage on hit* Only deals recoverable damage* Cannot cause a K.O.Power crush 7~16
H.PHX.2+3m42i15~16+8+0* Floor Break* Increases ZAN gauge by 1.16 on hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.66 on block* Transition to throw on hit* Opponent recovers in FDFA state* Only deals recoverable damage* 9 Chip Damage on block
H.u+1+2m,m18,21i19~20,i20~21-12+3c* Consumes heat* Enter PHX -1 +14 with F or 4 on hit or block* 13 Chip damage on block
H.u+1+2,1m,m, m,m18,21, 17,22i19~20,i20~21, i25~26,i20~21-8+14a(+4a)* Balcony Break* 14 Chip Damage on block* Same move as (df+1,H.1),1?
H.u+1+2,2m,m, h,h18,21, 10,12i19~20,i20~21, i23~24,i12~13-9+8* 7 Chip Damage on block* Same move as (df+1,H.1),2?
H.u+1+2,2,1m,m, h,h, m,m18,21, 10,12, 10,16i19~20,i20~21, ,i20~21,i11~12-8+15a(-2a)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Combo from 3rd hit* 9 Chip Damage on block* Same move as (df+1,H.1,2),1?
H.2+3m,t,m,m,m,m,m,m55i18+8-10* Heat Smash* Balcony Break* Wall Crush +10g on block* Transition to attack throw on 1st hit* 45 damage Balcony Break on 1st whiff* Recover 27-45 recoverable health on hit:* Regain 18?-19? additional recoverable health on hit* Recover 19 recoverable health on 1st whiff and 2nd hit:* Regain 12? addditional recoverable health on 1st whiff and 2nd hit* 19 Chip Damage on block<div class="plainlist">* Low crush 23~117* fs118~120</div>
R.df+1+2m,t55+i20-15+0d* Rage Art* Removes Recoverable Health* Reversal Break* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit* Restores recoverable health on hit* Transition to attack throw on hit* Consumes RagePower crush 8~
1h5i10+1+8Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t27 r17)
1,1h, h5, 13i10, i18~19-3+6* Jail from 1st attack* Combo from 1st hit* Enter PHX -3 +6 r23 with F or 4 on hit or block
1,2h, M5, 20i10, i21~22-14+22a (+17)* Spike* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.30 on hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.14 on block* Only deals recoverable damage* +11d on BT hit
1,f+2h, h5, 22i10, i25~26+1+13g* Balcony Break* Weapon* Combo from 1st CH* Input can be delayed 2f* 6 Chip damage on block* 9 Chip damage on block in heat* +20a (+11) on BT hit
2,1h, h11, 20i12, i17~18-13+8a (-1)* Balcony Break* Weapon* Jail from 1st attack* Combo from 1st hit* Input 1 during the 1st hit animation on frames 10~12 to add +3 damage
2,2h, m11, 9i12, i23-8-1* Balcony Break (airborne)* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit* Enter PHX -1 +6 r25 with F or 4 on hit or block
2,2,1h, m, m11, 9, 18i12, ,i17~18-13+8a (-1)+28d(+20d)* Balcony Break* Weapon* Combo from 1st CH* Combo from 2nd CH with 10f? delay* Input 1 during the 2nd hit animation on frames 21~23 to add +3 damage
2,2,2h, m, M,m11, 9, 15,20 (24)i12, ,i27~28 i31~32-9+21a (+4)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Weapon* Power up in Heat (24 damage)* Input can be delayed 6f?* Transition to PHX on hit only* Cancel PHX transition with B
2,2,1+2h, m, m,M11, 9, 10,18i12, ,i27~28 i23~24-13c+1a* Balcony Break* Spike* Weapon* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.70 on hit (0.30 + 0.40)* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.24 on block (0.10 + 0.14)* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.40 on hit if only the final hit connects* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.14 on block if only the final hit connects* Only deals recoverable damage* -4d on BT hit<div class="plainlist">* ,Low crush 41~54* fs55~57</div>
3,2m, m,m16, 15,15i16, i23~24 i29~41-12~+0+22a (+12)* Balcony Break* Weapon* Combo from 1st CH* Jail from 2nd block* 3rd hit never combos on standing hit* 3rd hit available only on hit or block* Interrupt with i4 from 1st block* +23a (+13) on BT hit* Power up in Heat
3,3m, M16, 20i16, i30~32-18~-16+12a (-5)+36a (+26)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Input can be delayed 1f,fs31~
4,2m, M8, 17i12, i20~21-11+3* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit* Input can be delayed 3f
4,4m, h8, 13i12, i25-8+0* Combo from 1st hit* Input can be delayed 3f* Enter PHX +6 +14 r21 with F or 4 on hit or block
1+2m24i13-9+2* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +43d (+35d)* Balcony Break (airborne)* Weapon* On hit regain 5 additional recoverable health* Tracking Notes:* Opponent can sidewalk to the left at -4* Opponent can sidestep to the right at -4* Opponent can sidestep to the left at -2
1+4m10-80i22-15+9a (ZAN1)* Removes Recoverable Health (ZAN5 only)* Weapon* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.20 on ZAN1 hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.10 on ZAN1 block* Transitions to attack throw on hit with ZAN2-5* Resets ZAN gauge on hit with ZAN2-5* Damage increases with ZAN gauge level:* ZAN1: 10* ZAN2: 45* ZAN3: 55* ZAN4: 65* ZAN5: 80
3+4* Strong low parry effect (active while moving)* Move backward/forward with b_f* Cancel to r53 with db_d_df<div class="plainlist">* fs5~* Parry state 9~</div>
3+4,PM20,i27~28+61a (+45)* Tornado<div class="plainlist">* ,is1~27* fs28~70</div>
f+2m10i15-12-4* Weapon
f+2,1m, h10, 13i15, i21~22+1+20g* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit
f+2,2m, m10, 7i15, i17~18-8+3* Weapon* Combo from 1st CH* Jail from 1st block* Enter PHX -5 +6 r30 with F or 4 on hit or block
f+2,2,2m, m, M10, 7, 20i15, ,i27~228-13+9a* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +67a {+50)* Balcony Break* Spike* Weapon* Combo from 1st CH* Combo from 2nd hit* Interrupt with i8 from 2nd block
f+2,2,1+2m, m, M10, 7, 18i15, ,i27~228-13c+9a* Balcony Break* Spike* Weapon* Combo from 1st CH* Combo from 2nd hit* Interrupt with i8 from 2nd block* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.30 on hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.10 on block* Only deals recoverable damage
H.f+2,2,1m, m, m10, 7, 25i15, ,i26~27+2+40d(-18d)* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit* Consumes heat* 7 Chip damage on block
H.f+2,2,1*m, m, m10, 7, 30i15, ,i42~43+13+52a* Guard Break* Consumes heat
f+3M15i20~21-14+37a* Spike* 3 Chip Damage on block* 5 Chip Damage on block in heat* Tracking notes:* Opponent can sidewalk to the left at -4* Opponent can sidestep to the right at -8<div class="plainlist">* Low crush 9~24* fs25~27</div>
f+4Actionable after 15f
f+1+2m,m10,18i16~17 i19-12+20a (+10)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +45a (+35)* Balcony Break* Weapon* 5 Chip Damage on block* 7 Chip Damage on block in heat
df+1m10i14~15-3+4* Tracking notes:* Opponent can sidestep to the right at -2* Opponent can sidewalk to the right at -3* Opponent can sidestep to the left at -6* Opponent can sidewalk to the left at -7
df+1,2m, h10, 13i14~15, i23-16-8* Strong Aerial Tailspin* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit* Enter PHX +6 +14 r21 with F or 4 on hit or block
df+1,2,1m, h, m10, 13, 15i14~15, ,i26~27-15+32a (+11)* Balcony Break* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit* Input 1 during the 2nd hit animation on frames 21~23 to add +3 damage
df+1,4m, m10, 12i14~15, i20~21-10+1* Knee* Combo from 1st hit
df+1,4,3m, m, M10, 12, 20i14~15, ,i27~28-18~-16+12a (-5)+36a (+26)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Move can be delayed by 9f,fs28~
H.df+1,1m, m,m10, 13,15i14~15, i22~23,i20~21-12+3c* Combo from 1st hit* Consumes heat* Enter PHX -1 +14 with F or 4 on hit or block* 9 Chip damage on block
H.df+1,1,1m, m,m, m,m10, 13,15, 17,22i14~15, ,i25~26,i20~21-8+14a(+4a)* Balcony Break* Combo from 3rd CH* 14 Chip Damage on block
H.df+1,1,2m, m,m, h,h10, 13,15, 10,12i14~15, ,i23~24,i12~13-9+8* 7 Chip Damage on block
H.df+1,1,2,1m, m,m, h,h, m,m10, 13,15, 10,12, 10,16i14~15, ,i20~21,i11~12-8+15a(-2a)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Combo from 5th hit* 9 Chip Damage on block
df+2m,m5,10i15~16 i26~27-13+30a (+20)* Weapon* 2nd hit available only on hit or block* Tracking notes:* Opponent can sidestep to the left at -6* Opponent can sidestep to the right at -2* Opponent can sidewalk to the right at -5
df+2,2m,m, m5,10, 20i15~16 i26~27, i18~19+5a (-2)* Weapon* Available only as combo from 2nd hit* Available on standing hit only,Low crush 9~
df+2,2,2m,m, m, m,M5,10, 20, 6,25i15~16 i26~27, ,i26~27 i3~4+60a (+44)* Tornado* Weapon* Available only as combo from 3rd hit* Available on standing hit only
df+3L20i29~30-26+3c* HomingHigh crush 6~65
df+3,1L, M,M20, 18,20i29~30, i27~29 i3~10+3c* Available only as combo from 1st hit* 38 damage in total for the full string with scaling* Input 1 during the 1st hit animation on frames 25~28 to add +4 damage
d+1L14i18~19-13+2* Tracking notes:* Opponent can sidestep right at -10* Opponent can sidewalk left at +0* Opponent can sidestep left at +6High crush 6~
d+2sl8i11-6+5High crush 4~
d+3L10i16-17-6High crush 4~
d+4l6i12-15-4High crush 4~
d+1+2M23i22~23-6+9a (-8)+63a (+47)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Weapon* 6 Chip Damage on block* 9 Chip Damage on block in heat* Tracking notes:* Opponent can sidewalk left at -1 (or -2?)* Opponent cannot sidestep right or sidewalk right?.
db+1h10i17~18-8+4+12a* Homing
db+1,1h, m,m10, 7,20i17~18, i21~22 i18~19+31d (+10d)* Tornado* Homing* Balcony Break* Available only as combo from 1st hit* Input 1 during the 2nd hit animation on frames 18~21 to add +5 damage
db+2m10i17~18-12-1* Weapon* Tracking notes:* Opponent can sidestep right at -10* Opponent can sidewalk left at -2?
db+2,1m, M10, 23i17~18, i25~26-13+27a (+12a)* Tornado* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit
db+2,1*m, M10, 27i17~18, i40~41-3+27a (+12a)* Tornado* Weapon* 10 Chip damage on block* 12 Chip damage on block in heat
db+4L20i19~20-18+4c+67a (+51a)* Effectively homing?
db+1+2M,m12,10i17~18 i23-11-2c* Weapon* 3,3 Chip damage on block* 5,4 Chip damage on block in heat
db+1+2,1M,m, M12,10, 20i17~18 i23, i22~i23-13+24a (+9a)* Balcony Break (BT)* Weapon* Combo from 2nd CH* Transition to +41a (+23) GAR on airborne hit* Cancel GAR transition with B* 6 Chip damage on block* 8 Chip damage on block in heat
b+1m18i17~18-13+10g+57a* Homing* Balcony Break* Weapon
b+2h20i20~21-4+9* Strong Aerial Tailspin* Balcony Break* Weapon* Enter PHX +6 +23 r24 with F or 4 on block or hit* +15a (+6) on BT hit* Effectively homing?
b+3* Strong parry effect: parries all highs or mids, except throws, unblockables and charge movesParry state 5~Parry state 13
b+3,PEarliest cancel to parry attacks r23,is1~16
b+3,P,2m35i20~21+3+16a (+6a)* Reversal Break* Balcony Break* Weapon,is1~9 fs10~20
b+3,P,1+2m,t35i20~21-13+5d* Reversal Break* Weapon* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.72 on hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.10 on block* Transition to attack throw on hit* Side switch on hit,is1~20
b+4M20i18~19-9+16g+25a (+19a)* Balcony Break* Steel pedal, opponent recovers in FUFT* Opponent recovers crouching on standing hit* Tracking notes:* Opponent can sidestep right at -6* Opponent can sidewalk left at -5
b+1+2m25i24~25-14+14a (+4a)* Balcony Break* Reversal Break (after attack absorb)* 34 in total damage after absorbing an attack in power crush state* Damage taken during power crush state is recoverable* -7 on block if an attack is absorbed* 12 Chip Damage on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state* 15 Chip Damage on block while in heat after absorbing an attack in power crush statePower crush 7~23
1+2+3+4* Can’t block for 5 seconds* CH state for 5 seconds
b,B+1+4m!40i80~81+56a* Hitstop on frame 80 for 20f?
f,F+2M21i21~22-7+6c+38a* Spike* Weapon* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.40 on hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.14 on block* Only deals recoverable damage* Tracking notes:* Assuming i24 startup (f,n,f,f+2)
ufLow crush 9~43
f,f,F+2m20i24~26+2+31d (+10)* Balcony Break* Weapon* Enter PHX +14 +43d (+22) r26 with F or 4 on hit or block* 4 Chip Damage on block* 7 Chip Damage on block in heat
ws1m11i13~14-4+3+8* Elbow* Enter PHX -1 +6 +11 r23 with F or 4 on hit or block
ws1,2m, m11, 19i13~14, i26~27-13+9+21a* Balcony Break* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit with 3f delay* Combo from 1st CH with 8f delay* Input can be delayed 8f* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.40 on hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.14 on block
ws2m15i15~16-14~-13+53a* Weapon
ws3m,m20,15(20)i20~21 i28~41-8+21a (+11a)* Homing* Balcony Break* Power up in Heat: 20 damage and +20a(+10a) on hit* Jail from 1st attack
ws4m14i11~12-5+6* Enter PHX -5 +6 r23 with F or 4 on hit or block
SS.2M12i17~18-9-2* Weapon* Side step takes 9f, effective startup i26
SS.2,1M, m12, 23i17~18, i22~23-15+35d (-23d)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +45a (+35a)* Balcony Break* Weapon* Input 1 during the 1st hit animation on frames 16~18 to add +3 damage* Combo from 1st hit with 11f delay* Input can be delayed 11f* Move can be delayed 10f
SS.1+2m21i25~26+2+49a* Spike* Weapon* 6 Chip Damage on block* 8 Chip Damage on block in heat* Side step takes 9f, effective startup i34~35
FC.1sl5i10-5+6* Transition to Standing with fHigh crush 4~
FC.df+2L18i19~20-12+3c* WeaponHigh crush 1~20
GAR.1m18i15~17-12~-10+17a* Balcony Break* Spike* 21 damage with delayed input* Jump takes 17f, effective minimum startup i32~34* 3 (4) Chip damage on block* 6 (7) Chip damage on block in heat* -11 on block, +3c on hit, 15 damage, 18 delayed input damage, 3 chip damage with ub+1Low crush 1~23 fs24~26
GAR.2m20i18~19-15-13* Weapon* 24 damage with delayed input* -16 on block, -14 on hit, 12 damage, 15 delayed input damage with ub+2* Jump takes 17f, effective minimum startup i35~36* js1~48 with u+2Low crush 1~49
GAR.2,2m, m,M20, 6,25i18~19, i26~27 i3~4-17+13d (-4d)* Tornado* Weapon* Combo from 1st hitLow crush 1~26 fs27~29
GAR.3h12i12-3+21a (-4a)* Balcony Break* 15 damage with delayed input* +6 on hit with ub+3* Jump takes 17f, effective minimum startup i29Low crush 1~29 fs30~32
GAR.4h10i10-4+2* Balcony Break* 13 damage with delayed input* 8 damage, 11 delayed input damage with ub+4* Jump takes 17f, effective minimum startup i27* js1~27 fs28~30 with ub+4 and u+4Low crush 1~31 fs32~34
PHX.1M,m,t16,15,10i21-14+0d* Transition to attack throw on front standing hit* -9 on block if after absorbing an attack in power crush state* 6 Chip Damage on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state* 7 Chip Damage on block while in heat after absorbing an attack in power crush state* On 1st hit regain 5 additional recoverable health* +4d on side or BT hitPower crush 7~20
PHX.2m12i15-7+4+35d (+27)* Balcony Break* Weapon* 7 Chip Damage on block* 5 Chip Damage on block in heat
PHX.2,1m, M12, 23i15, i25~26-12+24a (+9)* Tornado* Weapon* On hit regain 5 additional recoverable health* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay* Input can be delayed 16f* Move can be delayed 10f
PHX.2,2m, m,t12, 8,18i15, i20-13+5d / +5a (-4)* Balcony Break* Weapon* Combo from 1st hit* Transition to attack throw on hit* Cancel throw transition with B* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.72 on hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.40 on hit without throw* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.10 on block without throw* Side switch on hit
H.PHX.2,1+2m, m12, 32i15, i23~24+4+25a(-1a)*Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit* 9 Chip Damage on block
PHX.3L8i21-26-3c* Stagger on block
PHX.3,2L, m,m8, 18,20(36)i21, i30 i29~34+39a (+29)* Balcony Break* Power up in Heat* Available only as combo from 1st hit* 30 (38 in heat) damage in total for the full string with scaling
PHX.3,1+2L, m,M8, 10,18i21, i27~28 i23~24+6d (-29)* Spike* Available only as combo from 1st hit* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.70 on hit (0.30 + 0.40)* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.24?? on block (? + ?)* 30 damage in total for the full string with scaling* Only deals recoverable damage,Low crush 41~54 fs55~57
PHX.4L15i15~16-13-1c+13cHigh crush 6~

To character select | Claudio / Devil Jin

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