Mobile friendly view and App
To character select | 〈 Kazuya / Kuma 〉
Command | Hit level | Damage | Start up frame | Block frame | Hit frame | Counter hit frame | Notes |
2+3 | m | [12;12] | i16 | +1 | +2c | * Heat Burst* Cancel to r45 with b,b* 3 chip damage on block* 12 chip damage on hit* Only deals recoverable damage* Cannot cause a K.O.Power crush 7~16 | |
H.2+3 | m,t | 20,40 | i17 | +12 | +0d | * Heat Smash* Floor Break* Shifts to JGR on block (without heat).* Hold b to cancel shift, becomes +7 on block.* Beats all Power Crush armor, hits OTG. | |
R.df+1+2 | m,t | 55+ | i20 | -15 | +0d | * Rage Art* Removes Recoverable Health* Reversal Break* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit* Restores recoverable health on hit* Transition to attack throw on hit* Consumes RagePower crush 8~ | |
1 | h | 5 | i10 | +1 | +8 | Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t27 r17) | |
1,2 | h, h | 5, 15 | i10, i10~12 | -3 | +8 | * Jails* Combo from 1st hit | |
1,2,1 | h, h, m | 5, 15, 10 | i10, ,i24~25 | -4 | +5s | +10s | * Forces standing on hit.* The 3rd hit doesn’t combo even 2nd on CH.* Starter of 10 Strings, 3rd~5th hits are combo. |
1,2,1,2+4 | h, h, m, t | 5, 15, 10, 40 | i10, ,i26~28 | +0d | * Throw break 2. | ||
1,2,1,d+2+4 | h, h, m, t(c) | 5, 15, 10, 35 | i10, ,i28~30 | +1d | * Floor Break* Crouch throw, cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | ||
1,2,2+4 | h, h, t | 5, 15, 30 | i10, ,i30 | +1d | * Throw break 2. | ||
1,2,d+2+4 | h, h, t(c) | 5, 15, 35 | i10, ,i27 | +1d | * Floor Break* Crouch throw, cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | ||
2 | h | 10 | i10 | +1 | +7 | ||
2,1 | h, m | 10, 15 | i10, i23~24 | -3 | +8 | * Forces standing on hit.* Combo from 1st hit. | |
3 | h | 25 | i17 | -14 | +17a | * Balcony Break* Tracks left side but unsafe. | |
4 | h | 20 | i13 | -5 | +6 | +31d | * Knocks down on CH for dash OTG throw. |
1+2 | m | 17 | i18 | -11 | -2s | +0s | * Forces standing on hit.* Shifts into backturn stance. |
1+2,1 | m, m | 17, 21 | i18, i22 | -13/-18 | +12a(+3)/-9 | * Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit.* Interrupt with i5 from 1st block.* Hold back during 2nd hit to feint. | |
1+2,3 | m, h | 17, 25 | i18, i24~25 | -3 | +12a(+3) | * Balcony Break* Tornado* Combo from 1st hit. | |
3+4 | * Hold to continue spinning and power up strikes, but King doesn’t change direction.* King gets dizzy and falls after 6th spin.Low crush 6~21 fs22~24 | ||||||
f+2 | m | 12 | i15~16 | -11 | +2s | * Forces standing on hit. | |
f+2,1 | m, h | 12, 25 | i15~16, i15~16 | -9 | +17g/+16d | * Heat EngagerBalcony Break* Heat Dash +5 on block, +18 on wall block.* Combo from 1st hit.* +16 on hit during heat or after heat. | |
f+2,d+1 | m, m | 12, 16 | i15~16, i22 | -13c | +2c | * Floor Break* Forces crouching on block and hit.* Not combo even on CH, only combo from hitting behind. | |
f+2,d+1,2 | m, m, m | 12, 16, 16 | i15~16, ,i22~23 | -15 | +27a(+17) | * Combo from 2nd to 3rd hit.* 3rd hit is delayable and also combos. | |
f+3 | m | 18 | i15~16 | -8 | +1 | +9s | * Only forces standing on CH. |
f+3:1+2 | m, t | 18, 20 | i15~16, | -5d | * Input during f+3 hit stun.* Shifts to throw on front grounded hit. | ||
f+4 | m | 25 | i18~20 | -9 | +12a(+3) | Balcony BreakHomingLow Crush | |
f+1+2 | h | 23 | i16~17 | +0 | +10d | ||
f+1+4 | m | 21 | i17~19 | +3 | +7s | * Forces standing on hit. | |
f+2+3 | m | 27 | i20~24 | -9 | +17g/+9d | * Heat Engager* Balcony Break* Heat Dash +5 on block, +18 on wall block.* +9 on hit during heat or after heat. | |
f+3+4 | * Cancel to r25 with b on frame 34~ at the earliest, able to block high.* Gains armor during Heat.* Partially uses remaining Heat time (same for uf+3+4 / db+1+2,3+4 / b+1+2 ). | ||||||
df+1 | m | 15 | i14~15 | -1 | +3s | * Forces standing on hit. | |
df+1,2 | m, m | 15, 15 | i14~15, i20~21 | -10 | +5s | * Combo from 1st hit if not fully delayed. | |
df+2 | m | 12 | i13 | -6 | +4s | * Forces standing on hit. | |
df+2,1 | m, h | 12, 15 | i13, i20~21 | -4 | +24d | * Combo from 1st CH with 12F delay* No jail on 1st hit* Move can be delayed by 13F* Special down state that allows low juggle. | |
df+3 | m | 17 | i14 | -9 | +6s | * Forces standing on hit.* Tracks left side. (one of the few for King) | |
df+3,4 | m, h | 17, 23 | i14, i30 | +0 | +28d | * Combos on CH, otherwise opponent can duck.* Not available if df+3 whiffs.* Recovers in FDFT. | |
df+4 | l | 10 | i14~15 | -14 | -3 | * King’s fastest low attack. | |
df+4,3 | l, h | 10, 11 | i14~15, i22 | -5 | +6 | * Combos on CH even opponent is crouching. | |
df+4,3,4 | l, h, m | 10, 11, 27 | i14~15, ,i28~29 | -15/-8 | +6a/+13a | +47a(+16) | Balcony Break* Wall combo tool.* Combos on 2nd CH. Crumple on 3rd CH.* Hold back to shift to backturn stance.* Shift to backturn is 14F punishable. |
df+4,3,d+4 | l, h, l | 10, 11, 20 | i14~15, ,i33~35 | -10 | -8d | +22d | * Recovers in crouch on hit.* Otherwise recovers in FDFT. |
d+1 | s.l | 5 | i10 | -5 | +6 | * Can also be done by db+1/FC.d+1/FC.db+1. | |
d+1,2 | s.l,m | 5,13 | i10,i15~17 | -11 | +5s | * Combos on CH.* Forces standing on hit. | |
d+2 | s.l | 8 | i11 | -4 | +7 | * Can also be done by FC.d+2/FC.db+2. | |
d+3 | l | 12 | i17 | -12 | +1 | * Hits OTG. | |
d+4 | l | 6 | i14 | -15 | -4 | * Fast low but very punishable. | |
d+1+2 | m | 21 | i23 | -24 | +45a(+35) | * Tornado* Duck high and launch, very punishable. | |
d+2+3 | m | 25 | i30~35 | -8 | +0c | *Floor Break* Hits OTG.* Forces Crouching on hit. | |
d+3+4 | l | 14 | i16 | -25 | -9 | * CH enable 2 more Ali Kicks. | |
d+3+4,4 | l, l | 14, 7 | i16, i29 | -25 | -9 | * Combo from 1st hit on CH. | |
d+3+4,4,4 | l, l, l | 14, 7, 7 | i16, ,i29 | -29 | +7 | * Combo from 2nd hit on CH. | |
d+3+4,4,4,2 | l, l, l, m | 14, 7, 7, 10 | i16, ,i28 | -15 | +16d(+6) | * Balcony Break* Same property for d+3+4,2 / d+3+4,4,2* Only combo if 2nd/previous kick on CH. | |
d+3+4,4,4,4 | l, l, l, l,l | 14, 7, 7, 4,3 | i16, ,i29,i29 | -26 | +15 | * Only available if 1st hit on CH.* Last 3 kicks are combo.* 5 kicks combo is impossible. | |
db+2 | m | 21 | i25~26 | -5c | +19a | * Forces Crouching on block. | |
db+3 | l | 17 | i23 | -14 | +4c | +25d | * Tracks left side. (one of the few for King) |
db+4 | l | 20 | i29~31 | -17 | -3d | +27d | * Hits OTG.* Recovers in crouch on hit.* Otherwise recovers in FDFT. |
db+1+2 | * Cancel into db1+2,2 (Emerald Elbow) at frame 17 to frame 60? with input 2* Cancel into movement or crouch or any attack at frame 30 (r30)?* Cancel into r30? JGS with input 3+4 at frame 35? * Recovery extended by r15 after absorbing an attack?Power crush 6~60? | ||||||
db+1+2,2 | m,t | 15,25 | i15 | -9/-5 | +35g/+8g | * Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5 on block, +18 on wall block.* Effective startup is i32* Elbow has no armor, and input is delayable.* Shifts to throw on front grounded hit.* +8 on hit during heat or after heat.* If attack absorbed,chip damage & -5 on block.Power crush | |
db+1+2,3+4 | * Effective startup for stance moves is increased by 65 frames starting from db1+2 (Muscle Armor) startup* pc7~ in heat* Run much longer to action than regular run.* Cancel window is smaller than Emerald Elbow. | ||||||
b+1 | h | 13 | i12 | -8 | +3 | +3a | Momentarily makes opponent airborne on CH, thus b+1,2 launches. |
b+1,2 | h, h | 13, 20 | i12, i19~20 | -13 | +5 | +70a(+54)* | * Tornado* Launches opponent if b+1 on CH. |
b+1,4 | h, m | 13, 23 | i12, i26~28 | -11 | +1d | +18(-17)* | * Combo from 1st hit on CH.* Recovers in FUFT. |
b+1+3 | r(m) | 25 | i10 | +2d | Floor Break* Parry opponent’s right punch.* Side Switch. Opponent recovers in FUFR. | ||
b+2 | h | 16 | i14 | -5 | +1 | ||
b+2,1 | h, h | 16, 21 | i14, i20~21 | -9 | +19a(+10) | * Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit. | |
b+2,4 | h, m,t | 16, 18,20 | i14, i21 | -8 | +10s/+0 | * Shifts to throw on front grounded hit. | |
b+2,1+2 | h, h | 16, 22 | i14, i24~25 | +2c | +22d | * Forces crouching on block. | |
b+2+4 | r(m) | 25 | i10 | +24d | * Parry opponent’s left kick.* Side Switch. Opponent recovers in FUFL. | ||
b+2+4:3+4 | r(m) | 25(,28) | i10 | +27d(+1d) | * 2 Throw Break* Parry opponent’s right kick.* Just frame input right before camera returns to normal position to deal extra damage. * Opponent recovers in FUFT. | ||
b+3 | h | 23 | i16~18 | -10/-5 | +39d | * Tornado* Balcony Break* -5 on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state.* 9 chip damage on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state.* 10 chip damage on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state while in heat.Power crush 7~ | |
b+3:1+2 | h, t | 23, 20 | i16~18, | -7d | * Shifts to throw on front grounded hit.* Input 1+2 before b+3 hits. | ||
b+4 | h | 25 | i17~21 | +2 | +14g | * Balcony Break* Shifts into BT stance. | |
b+3+4 | * Cannot be held to continue spinning.Low crush 6~21 fs22~24 | ||||||
ub+4 | m | 15 | i15 | -13 | +19a(+9) | +33a(+23) | * Jump straight up knee, very short range. |
u+1+2 | m | 25 | i35~36 | +2c | +22d | * Tap 1+2 otherwise it becomes u+1+2(hold).* Forces Crouching on block.* Can also be done by ub+1+2. | |
u+1+2* | m! | 40 | i67 | +11d | * Unblockable mid.* Auto switch side if fly over opponent.* Can also be done by ub+1+2*. | ||
uf+1 | h | 21 | i20~23 | -3 | +36a(+27) | HomingBalcony Break* Can also be done by ub+1/u+1. | |
uf+2 | m | 35 | i47~53 | -17c | -7d/-4c | * Hits OTG.* u+2 to jump vertical, ub+2 to jump back.* Force Crouching on block. (ub+2 also on hit) | |
uf+3 | m | 23 | i22~29 | -10 | -1d | * Can also be done by ub+3/u+3. | |
uf+4 | m | 13 | i15 | -13 | +33a(+23) | * Can also be done by u+4. | |
uf+3+4 | m | 23 | i22~23 | -12/-7 | +25g / +22g | * Tornado* -7 on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state.* 9 chip damage on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state.* 10 chip damage on block after absorbing an attack in power crush state while in heat.* Shifts to r27 JGR on hit.* Cancel shift into JGR on hit at +22 r55? with input BPower crush 7~ | |
1+2+3+4 | * Takes some time to charge and can cancel into anything.* After charged next hit by either side becomes counter hit. | ||||||
DF | r(l) | 0 | +51a(+35) | * Generic low parry.* Tornado affect on success. | |||
f,F,1 | m | 21 | i20~21 | -5 | +14g | +38d | * Homing* Balcony Break |
f,F,2 | m | 21 | i31~32 | +7 | +12c | * Forces crouching on hit.* Allow crouching throw on hit.* Chip damage on block. | |
f,F,4 | m | 25(30,14) | i15 | -15 | +14a(+4) | +1d | * Tornado* Balcony Break* Shifts to throw on front grounded CH. |
f,F,2+3 | m,t | 20,15 | i21~43 | -16c~+2c | -19c~+3c/-5d | * Forces crouching on block and hit.* Throw when hit standing in front close range. | |
f,F,3+4 | h | 25 | i28~30 | 0/+2c | +24d(-34) | Balcony Break* Chip damage on block. (extra near wall)* Forces Crouching on block when near wall.* Recovers FUFT on whiff. | |
f,f,n,2 | l/(l,t) | 17/(20,35) | i18 | -13 | +5s/(0d) | * Shifts to throw on front grounded CH.* Hits OTG.high crush | |
f,f,n,1+2 | m | 0 | i9 | +0 | +7s | +18s | * Forces Standing on hit.* Allows follow up on CH. |
f,n,d,df | * Duck high while moving forward.* Input f,n,d,df,f+(button) for instant ws moves.* 1st f cannot be held more than 10 frames. | ||||||
uf,n,4 | m | 20 | i23~25 | -13 | +32a(+22) | ||
f,f,F,3 | m | 25 | i20~25 | +3 | +30(+22) | Balcony Break* Chip damage on block. | |
f,f,F,3+4 | m | 40 | i28~34 | +17 | +32d(-26) | Balcony Break | |
ws1 | m | 12 | i10~11 | -3 | +4s | * Acts like 11 frame attack.* Forces Standing on hit. | |
ws2 | m | 11 | i14 | -9 | +1s | * Homing* Forces Standing on hit. | |
ws2,2 | m, m | 11, 25 | i14, i15~16 | -12 | +12g | * Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit. | |
ws3 | h | 20 | i16 | 0 | +22a(+12) | ||
ws4 | m | 20 | i11~12 | -6 | +5 | ||
ws1+2 | m | 20 | i18~19 | -10 | +35a(+25) | ||
ss2 | h | 25 | i19~20 | -5 | +18a(+9) | Balcony Break | |
ss2+4,b/db | * Side Step that ducks high and covers long distance quickly, recovers in crouch.* Input by u/d,n,n+2+4,b/db. | ||||||
ss3+4 | h | 50 | i27~31 | 0 | +0d | * Deals a lot of chip damage on block.* Tracks side steps.* In game frame data incorrectly shows that SSL 3+4 is i21 | |
FC.df+1 | l | 20 | i32~34 | -12 | +73a(+57) | * Can also be performed with f,n,d,DF+1/CD.1.* Tornado on grounded hit.High Crush | |
FC.df+2 | m | 21 | i15 | -14 | +56a | * Crumple on hit. | |
FC.d+3 | l | 10 | i18 | -17 | -6 | * Hits OTG.* Can also be done by FC.db+3.* Get extra range by FC.df+3/CD.3. | |
BT.3 | m | 18 | i13~14 | -13 | +9s | +50d | * Tornado* Hits OTG. Forces standing on normal hit.* Crumple on CH for full combo. |
BT.3:1+2 | m, t | 18, 20 | i13~14, | +0d | * Floor Break* Throw when hit standing in front close range.* Just frame input. | ||
BT.1+2 | h! | 45 | i26~30 | +2d | * Unblockable high attack. | ||
BT.1+4 | m! | 30 | i41~47 | +6d | * Unblockable mid attack. | ||
BT.3+4 | * Jaguar Step away from the oppponent while keeping backturn stance on recovery.* Can cancel into BT.1+2 / BT.1+4 unblockable.* Can hold 3+4 to keep spinning.* Cannot Reverse Jaguar Step in BT stance. | ||||||
BT.d+4 | l | 20 | i22~24 | -14 | -2d | +28d | * Recovers in FDFT on block and whiff.* Also can be done in backturn crouching.Low Crush |
CD.4 | m | 21 | i15~16 | -9 | +49a(+18) | +53d | * Special down state that allows low juggle (on normal hit).* Crumple on CH for full combo. |
CD.1+2 | m | 24 | i20~23 | -5c | +16d | +52d | Balcony Break* Hits OTG.* Bounce off ground on CH for full combo. |
FUFT.b+3+4 | m | 25 | i16~28 | -25 | +4a(-6) | Balcony Break* Faster than normal spring kick and knocks down. | |
JGR.1 | m | 21 | i16~17 | -8 | +39d/+75a(+59) | * In heat it becomes Tornado on grounded hit.* Partially uses remaining Heat time. | |
JGR.2 | h | 26 | i18~19 | +3/+6/+18c | +4d | * Chip damage on block.* In heat it becomes +6 on block, and forces crouching +18 near wall.* Partially uses remaining Heat time. | |
JGR.3 | m | 30 | i22~23 | -9 | +11d (+1) | * Balcony Break* HomingLow crush 11~30 fs31~33 | |
JGR.4 | L | 20 | i20~24 | -21 | +0c | Low crush 7~23 fs24~ | |
JGR.2+3 | M,t | 20,15 | i21~43 | -16c~+2c | -19c~+3c/-5d | * Throw when hit standing in front close range.* King recovers off axis | |
JGS.1 | h | 21/25/31 | i17~18/i19~20 | -7/-1 | +47d/+53d | * Crumple on hit.* On block / hit / startup increases up to 2nd spin.* Damage increase up to 3rd spin. | |
JGS.2 | m | 15/18/22 | i11~12 | -9/-2/0c | +12c | * Forces Crouching on hit.* Forces Crouching on block from 3rd spin on.* Damage increase up to 3rd spin. | |
JGS.3 | m | 23/27/34 | i22~23 | -5/-1 | +21a(+12)/+25a(+16) | Balcony Break* On block / hit increases up to 2nd spin.* Damage increase up to 3rd spin. | |
JGS.3,2+3 | m, m,t | 23/27/34, 20,15 | i22~23, i21~43 | -16c~+2c | -19c~+3c/-5d | * Throw when hit standing in front close range.* Doesn’t combo from JGS.3, but trades with 10 frame jab.* Properties not changed with extra spins. | |
JGS.4 | h | 40/42/52 | i17~18 | +8/+15 | +5a(-4)/+10a(+1) | * Balcony Break* Guard Break* Chip damage on block.* On block / hit increases up to 2nd spin.* Damage increase up to 3rd spin. | |
JGS.df+4 | m | 30/36/45 | i17~19 | -16/+8 | +5a(-4) | Balcony Break* On block increases up to 2nd spin.* Damage increase up to 3rd spin. | |
(Behind 1 throw) | t | 60 | (depends) | +0d | * Cannot throw break.* Any 1/1+2 break throw behind opponent’s back, as well as RKO and chain throws.* Side switch. Opponent recovers in FDFL. | ||
(Behind 2 throw) | t | 60 | (depends) | -1d | * Cannot throw break.* Any 2 break throw behind opponent’s back except chain throws.* Side switch? Opponent recovers in FDFL. | ||
(Left side throw) | t | 40 | (depends) | -3 | +36d | * 1 throw break.* Any throw on standing opponent’s left side.* Side switch. Opponent recovers in FUFR. | |
(Right side throw) | t | 42 | (depends) | -3 | +21d | * 2 throw break.* Any throw on standing opponent’s right side.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |
1+3 / f+1+3 | t | 35 | i12~15 / i15~17 | -6 | +0d | * Homing* 1 or 2 throw break.* Input f+1+3 to increase throw range, but its startup is 3 frames slower.* Opponent recovers in FUFA.* Side switch on successful throw break | |
2+4 / f+2+4 | t | 35 | i12~15 / i15~17 | -3 | +0d | * Homing* 1 or 2 throw break.* Input f+2+4 to increase throw range, but its startup is 3 frames slower.* Side switch. Opponent recovers in FUFA. | |
AB1.1,1+2 | t | 12,18 | -3 | +2d | * 1 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. Max damage 50. | ||
AB1.2,1,1+3 | t | 20 | -3 | +0d | * 1+2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFT. | ||
AB1.2,4,2+4 | t | 20 | -3 | +1d | * 2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFL. | ||
AB2b.3,4,3+4,1+2 | t | 20 | +1d | * Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. Max Damage 60. | |||
AB2c.1,3,4,2,1+2 | t | 60 | -3 | +1d | * 2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFL. Max damage 100. | ||
AB2c.2,1,3,1+2 | t | 25 | -3 | +1d | * 1 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. Max damage 65. | ||
AIR.1+3 / AIR.f+1+3 | t(a) | 30 | i12~14 / i15~17 | +0d | * Homing* Cannot throw break.* Input f+1+3 to increase throw range, but its startup is 3 frames slower.* Opponent recovers in FDFT. | ||
AIR.2+4 / AIR.f+2+4 | t(a) | 20 | i12~14 / i15~17 | +40d(+35) | * Tornado* Homing* Cannot throw break.* Input f+2+4 to increase throw range, but its startup is 3 frames slower.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | ||
AIR.d+1+3 | t(a) | 15 | i12~13 | -5d | * Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFL. | ||
AIR.f,f,F+2+4 | t(a) | 65(70) | i10 | +4d | Floor Break* Cannot throw break.* Input quickly to “blue spark” (+5 damage).* Partially restores remaining Heat time.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | ||
AIR.f,hcf+1 | t(a) | 55(60) | i10 / i12~14 | +3d | Floor Break* Cannot throw break.* Also by JGR.1+3 against airborne opponent.* Input quickly to “blue spark” (+5 damage).* Partially restores remaining Heat time.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | ||
Behind.b,f+1+2 | t | 75 | i10 | +1d | Floor Break* Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers FUFR. | ||
CD.1+4 | t | 20 | i12 | -2 | +1d | * 1 Throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |
CD.2+3 | t | 25 | i12 | -2 | +0d | * 2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFR. | |
DHH.2,1,3,4 | t | 12,13 / 32 | -6 | -7d(-40) | * 2 throw break.* Mash 1/2/3/4 to roll in midscreen to reduce damage, on wall splat damage is 32.* Opponent recovers in FUFT if fails to roll. | ||
DHH.1+2,1+2 | t | 15 | -6 | -3d | * 1 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFT. | ||
FC.1+2 | t(s) | 0 | i26 | -5 | +3d | * 1+2 throw break (except from behind).* Catches standing and crouching opponent from all directions. | |
FC.db,d,db+1+2 | t | 45 | i12 | -6 | +0d | Floor Break* 1+2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. | |
FDFA.db+1+3 | t(g) | 32 | i18~20 | +0 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | |
FDFL.db+1+3 | t(g) | 37 | i18~20 | +0 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FDFL. | |
FDFR.db+1+3 | t(g) | 35 | i18~20 | +0 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Side Switch.* Opponent recovers in FDFL. | |
FDFT.db+1+3 | t(g) | 30 | i18~20 | +0 | +22d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Side Switch.* Opponent recovers in FDFL. | |
FUFA.db+1+3 | t(g) | 28 | i18~20 | +0 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. | |
FUFL.db+1+3b+1+3 | t(g) | 0 | i18~20 | +0 | +25d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FDFL/FDFR. | |
FUFT.DB+1+3 | t(g) | 25 | i18~20 | +0 | +0d | Floor Break* 1 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |
FUFT.DB+2+4 | t(g) | 28 | i18~20 | +0 | +1d | * 2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |
FUFT.db+1+3 | t(g) | 20,10 / 35 | i18~20 | +0 | +1d(-40) | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Mash 1/2/3/4 to roll in midscreen to reduce 10 damage, on wall splat damage is 35.* Opponent recovers in FUFT if fails to roll. | |
JGR.1+3 | t | 45 | i23 | +1d | * Heat Engager* Homing* Cannot throw break. Cannot heat dash.* Restores some Heat Gauge in Heat.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. | ||
JGS.1+4 | t | 20 | i12 | -3 | +0d | * Homing* 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FDFT.* Becomes f,hcf+1 / 2+4 on air grab / wall splat. | |
MMD1.1,4,2,3 | t | 12 | +1d | * Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFL. | |||
MMD2.1,1+3/ MMD2.2,2+4 | t | 13 | -6 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | ||
MMD3.2,3,1,1+2 | t | 24 | -6 | +0d | * 1+2 Throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFR. Max Damage 69. | ||
MMD3.1+2,1,1+3/ MMD3.1+2,2,2+4 | t | 12 | -6 | +1d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. | ||
MMD4.3+4,1+2 | t | 10 | +0d | * Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | |||
MMD5.1+2,3,1+3/ MMD5.1+2,4,2+4 | t | 18 | -3 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | ||
MMD5.1+2,4,2,1+2 | t | 11,15 | -3 | +0d | * 1+2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFL. Max Damage 93. | ||
MMD6.2,4,1,1+3/ MMD6.2,4,1,2+4 | t | 31 | -6 | -10d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. Max Damage 116. | ||
PD.1+2,3,4,1+2 | t | 45 | i11 | -7 | +0d | * 1+2 throw break. (when legs lifted to the top)* Could use ki charge button for 1+2 input.* Opponent recovers in FDFL. | |
PD.1+2,1+2 | t | 35 | i11 | -7 | -14d | Floor Break* 2 throw break. (when legs lifted to the top)* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | |
RAS1.1 | t | 7/15 | +0d | * Cannot throw break.* Input with 2,1,1+2 for more damage.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. | |||
RAS2.1 | t | 7/15 | -9 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Input with 3+4,1 or 3+4,2 for more damage.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. | ||
RAS3.1 | t | 12/17 | +1d | * Cannot throw break.* Input with 1,2,3+4 for more damage.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |||
RAS4.1 | t | 15/20/31 | -3 | +1d | * 1 throw break. Side Switch.* Input with 2,1,3,4 for more damage.* On wall splat damage is 31.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. Max damage 97. | ||
RAS4.2 | t | 20/25 | -6 | +1d | * 2 throw break. Side Switch.* Input with 3,1,2,3+4,1+2 for more damage.* King recovers in backturn stance.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. Max damage 91. | ||
RSSB1.1 | t | 7/15 | +1d | * Cannot throw break. * Input with 2,2,1+2 for more damage.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |||
RSSB2.1 | t | 7/15 | -3 | +0d | * 1 or 2 throw break, depending on King’s input.* Input with 3+4,1 or 3+4,2 for more damage.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | ||
RSSB3.1 | t | 9/13 | +1d | * Cannot throw break.* Input with 1,2,3+4,1+2 for more damage.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |||
RSSB4.1 | t | 15/20/31 | +1d | * 1 throw break. Side Switch.* Input with 2,1,3,4 for more damage.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. Max damage 94. | |||
RSSB4.2 | t | 20/25 | +1d | * 2 throw break.* Input with 3,1,2,3+4,1+2 for more damage.* King recovers in backturn stance.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. Max damage 88. | |||
SHH1.1,2,1+2 | t | 25 | -10 | +0d | * 1 throw break. Side Switch.* King suffers 10 recoverable damage on successful throw break* Opponent recovers in FDFR. Max damage 50. | ||
SHH1.2,1,1+3 | t | 30 | -10 | +0d | * 2 throw break.* King suffers 10 recoverable damage on successful throw break* Opponent recovers in FDFR. Max damage 55. | ||
SHH1.1+2,1,3 | t | 20 | -10 | +0d | * 1+2 throw break.* King suffers 10 recoverable damage on successful throw break* Opponent recovers in FDFL. | ||
SHH2c.3,4,1+2,3+4 | t | 40 | +0d | * Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFT. Max Damage 85. | |||
UT,2,1,2,1 | t | 5,5,5,15 | +0 | +0d | * Could be any 1/2 combination (e.g. 1,1,1,1 / 1,2,2,1)* Throw break the 1st/4th hit by input the opposite to King’s 1st/4th button. | ||
UT,1+2 | t | 25 | -9 | +1d | * 1+2 throw break.* Can also input at 3rd hit of Ultimate Punch.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. | ||
UT,1+2,1+2 | t, t | 25, 10 | +1d | * Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. | |||
UT,3+4 | t | 20 | +0 | +1d | * 3+4 throw break.* Can also input at 3rd hit of Ultimate Punch.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. | ||
UT,3+4:1+2 | t, t | 20, 30 | +1d | * Just frame input.* Cannot throw break.* Opponent recovers in FDFL. | |||
WALL.f,hcf+1 / WALL.f,f,F+2+4 | t(w) | 65(70) | i10 | -5d | * Cannot throw break. Also converts from RKO.* Input quickly to “blue spark” (+5 damage).* Partially restores remaining Heat time.* Opponent recovers in FUFR. | ||
WallBack.b,b,ub | t / m | 45 / 21 | i43~48 / i44~63 | -8 | +2 / +15 | * Airborne from 5F, invincibility from 8 to 13F.* Unbreakable throw near wall, becomes air attack if throw not connected.* Side switch. Opponent recovers in FUFA. | |
b+1+2(,f,F) | t | 0 | i12~17 | -3 | +14g / -2 | * Homing* 1+2 throw break. Side switch.* Damage becomes 15 on wall splat.* Shifts to JGR, input f,F / b,B to cancel shift. | |
b+1+2,1+2(,f,F) | t | 0 | i12~17 | +11g / -6 | * 1+2 throw break.* Damage becomes 15 on wall splat.* Shifts to JGR, input f,F / b,B to cancel shift. | ||
db,n,f+2+4 | t | 53 | i11 | -2 | -1d | Floor Break* 2 throw break. Can also be done by qcb,n,f+2+4 / b,db,d,n,f+2+4.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. | |
db+2+3 | t | 40 (8+20+12) | i12 | -6 | +1d / 0d | * 1+2 throw break.* Just frame input 3+4 when the last hit connects, reverse 26 damage back to King.* Opponent recovers in FUFT / FDFT. | |
df+1+3 | t | 19 | i32 | -2 | +1d | * Homing* 1 throw break. Side Switch.* Very slow crouch dash then grab.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. | |
df+2+4 | t | 20 | i32 | -2 | +1d | * Homing* 2 throw break. Side Switch.* Very slow crouch dash then grab.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |
df+2+3 | t | 40 | i12 | -2 | +0d | * 2 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |
df+3+4 | t/s | 30/15 | i28~35 | -12~-18 | +18d/-7~0 | * Throw only when opponent standing close.* Cannot throw break.* Recovers in BT/FUFT on throw success/failed.Low Crush | |
d+1+3 | t(c) | 35 | i12~13 | +0d | Floor Break* Crouch throw, cannot throw break.* Can also be done by db+1+3 and in FC too.* Opponent recovers in FDFA. | ||
d+2+4 | t(c) | 35 | i12~13 | +0d | Floor Break* Crouch throw, cannot throw break.* Can also be done by db+2+4 and in FC too.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. | ||
d+1+4 | t(c) | 35 | i12~13 | +0d | * Heat Engager* Crouch throw, cannot throw break.* Can also be done by db+1+4 and in FC too.* Restores some Heat Gauge in Heat.* Cannot heat dash.Opponent recovers in FDFA. | ||
f,f,F+2+4 | t | 40(45) | i10 | -5 | +1d | * 1+2 throw break.* Input quickly to “blue spark” (+5 damage).* Partially restores remaining Heat time.* Opponent recovers in FUFL. | |
f,hcf+1 | t | 45(50),20 / 70 | i10 | -13 | -22d(-50) | * 1 throw break. Side switch. * Input quickly to “blue spark” (+5 damage).* Partially restores remaining Heat time.* Mash 1/2/3/4 to roll in midscreen to reduce 20 damage, on wall splat damage is 70.* Opponent recovers in FUFT if fails to roll. | |
f,hcf+2 | t | 50(55) | i12~14 | -6 | +1d | * 2 throw break.* Input quickly to “blue spark” (+5 damage).* Partially restores remaining Heat time.* f,b,d,f are required, so it can be done by f,b,db,d(,n),f+2. (same for Giant Swing)* Opponent recovers in FUFL. | |
qcb+1+2 | t | 50 | i11 | -6 | -6d | Floor Break* 1+2 throw break. Side switch.* King recovers in backturn stance.* Partially restores remaining Heat time.* Opponent recovers in FUFA. | |
qcf+1 | t | 30 | i11 | -2/-7 | +8d | * 1 throw break.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. | |
ss2+4 | t | 15 / 20 | i13 | +0d / +1d | * Homing* 2 throw break (except from behind).* RSSB2 from side/behind, RSSB1 from front, doesn’t change to left/right/behind throw.* Opponent recovers in FUFT.* Throw can be canceled by input b/db. | ||
uf+1+2 / uf+1+2,B | t | 30 | i12 | -6 | +19d(-7) / +17d(-13) | * 1+2 throw break.* Hold b to throw backwards.* Damage becomes 15 on wall splat.* Opponent recovers in FUFT. |
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