
Leo T8 Frames

Tekken Docs Showcase 02


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To character select | Lee / Leroy

CommandHit levelDamageStart up frameBlock frameHit frameCounter hit frameNotes
2+3m12 (12)i16~17+1~+2+2c* Heat BurstPower crush
H.KNK.2+3l,m,m8,13,14 (35)i20~21-13~-12+31a (+13)* Heat Smash* Balcony Break* 11 chip damage on block
H.2+3m,m,h14,13,23 (50)i16~17+8~+9+5a* Heat Smash* Balcony Break* Enter CD +16g with df on block* 14 chip damage on block
R.df+1+2m,t55+i20-15+0d* Rage Art* Removes Recoverable Health* Reversal Break* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit* Restores recoverable health on hit* Transition to attack throw on hit* Consumes RagePower crush 8~
1,2h, h5, 10i10, i12-3+8* Jail from 1st attack* Enter KNK -9 +2 with b
1,2,1h, h, h5, 10, 16i10, ,i20~21-5~-4+6+9Combo from 2nd CH
1,2,1,1h, h, h, m5, 10, 16, 21i10, ,i18-13+12a (+3)*Balcony Break* Combo from 3rd Hit
1,2,1,4h, h, h, h5, 10, 16, 30i10, ,i21~23-6~-4+32a (+6)*Balcony Break* Combo from 3rd Hit
1,2,4h, h, L5, 10, 15i10, ,i24-13+3+8dCombo from 2nd CH
1,4h, h5, 17i10, i16-5+11* Jail from 1st attack
2,1h, h9, 12i11, i16~17-7~-6+4* Jail from 1st block* Combo from 1st hit
2,2h, m9, 20i11, i22-12+6Combo from 1st Hit
3,2h, h15, 10i14, i19-2+9* Combo from 1st hit* Enter BOK -6 +5 with d
3,2,3h, h, m15, 10, 26i14, ,i23~24-7~-6+13a (+4)*Tornado*Balcony Break* Combo from 2nd CH* Cancel to -15 -4 with B
3,2,4h, h, m15, 10, 14i14, ,i22~23+9~+10+15g+19* Combo from 2nd CH
1+2m25i25-12+11a (+2)* Balcony Break* Chip damage on blockPower crush 7~
f+2,2h, m14, 21i14~16, i23~24-12~-11+8+25dCombo from 1st hit
f+2,4h, h14, 16i14~16, i22~23-1~0+7* Jail from 1st attack* Enter CD -1 +7 with df
LTG.f+2,4,3h, h, M14, 16, 20i14~16, ,i32~35+1c~+4c+16d* Balcony Break* Spike* Combo from 1st hit* Enter BOK +4c +19d with d* 8 chip damage on block* 9 chip damage on block in heatLow crush 16~
f+3h23i20~210~+1+4+27a* Enter BOK +2 +6 +29a with d
f+4m14i17~18+9~+10+15g+19* Stance moves may be delayed by 11F* Enter CD -5 +1 +5 with df
f+1+2m24i17~18-14~-13+10a (+1)+56a* Balcony Break
f+2+3h21i20~21-9~-8+11a (+2)* Balcony Break
f+3+4h24i17~180~-1+8+71a (+55)* Tornado* Balcony Break* 7 chip damage on block* 10 chip damage on block in heat
df+1,2m, h13, 20i13~14, i18-6+9d+34d (+26)*Tornado*Balcony Break* Combo from 1st CH with 7?F delay* Move can be delayed 8?F
df+2m15i15~16-13~-12+28a (+18)
df+3m22i17~19-9~-7+6a (-3)+27a (-9)* Homing* Balcony Break
df+2+3L20i21~22-12~-11+5+21dHigh crush 6~
d+1m18i18~19-2~-1+5+13* Spike* Enter FC with d
d+2m23i21+4c+9c+56a* Spike
d+3l10i16-17-6High crush 4~
d+4,2L, h13, 23i16~17, i26~27-5~-4-7d+3d* Combo from 1st CH* Gain LTG -11d -1d on hit with 1+2
d+1+2High crush 6~
d+3+4l7i12-15-4High crush 4~
db+1s6i10-5+6High crush 4~
db+2,4m, h16, 24i16~17, i24~26-9~-7+12a (+3)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5g, +64a (+42)* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hitLow crush 12~
db+3h23i31~32-8~-9+38a (+28)No crouching state
db+4L11i20~22-31~-29+2+33a* Clean hit +2* Staggers on block* Causes float on hit if db+4,1 is inputHigh crush 11~
db+4,1L, m11, 27i20~22, i25~26-16~-15+8a* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit** +14a (+7)
LTG.db+4,1,1+2L, m, m11, 27, 20i20~22, ,i15~16-15~-14+6a (-3)* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit** +27a (+17)* 8 chip damage on block* 9 chip damage on block in heat
db+1+2m17i21~23-9~-7+7* Enter BOK -12 +4 with d
db+1+2,1m, m17, 20i21~23, i17~18-12~-11+22a (+17)* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit with delay
b+1,4m, m17, 14i18~19, i23+9+15g+19* Combo from 1st CH
b+1,1+2m, m17, 18i18~19, i22~23-12~-11+9* Combo from 1st hit* Enter BOK -10 +11 with d
b+1+3* Parries high and mid punches and kicksParry state 5~12
b+1+3,P.2m30i14~15-9~-8-9a* Balcony Break* Combo from parry* Gain LTG on hit
b+2,1m, h11, 11i14, i22~23-4~-3+7Combo from 1st hit
b+2,1+2m, m11, 21i14, i27~28-11c~-10c+8* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5 +67a (+50)* Combo from 1st hit
b+2+4* Balcony Break* Parries high and mid punches and kicks* Side switch on punch parry (+5)* 25 damage on kick parry (+1d), does not Balcony BreakParry state 5~12
b+3,1m, m12, 13i14~15, i20-10+4* Spike* Combo from 1st hit* Enter BOK -8 +5 with d* Enter KNK -10 +1 with b
LTG.b+3,1,2m, m, m12, 13, 25i14~15, ,i17-13+10a* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit* 10 chip damage on block* 11 chip damage on block in heat
b+4,1m, m13, 20i18, i30~31-12~-11+15a (+6)** Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit* Cancel to FC -16 -3 with D
b+4,1~4m, m13, 14i18, i17~18+9~+10+15g+19* Combo from 1st hit* Enter CD -5 +1 +5 with df
b+1+2,1+2m, m15, 13i17~18, i21~22-14~-13-3+7Combo from 1st hit
b+1+2,1+2,2m, m, m15, 13, 25 (30)i17~18, ,i20~21-13~-12+17d (+12)* Combo from 2nd CH* Power up with motion input d,df,f+2* 12 chip damage on block with motion input* 13 chip damage on block with motion input in heat* Deals 25 damage without motion input
b+2+3m21i30~31-8~-7+23g+28a* Parries high and mid punches* Hit after parry is the same as on CHParry state 5~9
ub+1* Parries high and mid kicksParry state 5~12
ub+1,P.4h22i17~18-16~-15+14c* Combo from parry
ub+3M26i24~27+0c~+3c+6c+53aLow crush 9~
ub+4m15i15~16-13~-12+19a (+9)+33a (+23)* Balcony Break* Same move as uf+4Low crush 9~
ub+1+2m!60i70~71+26a (-21)
u+1m17i19~20-6~-5+2+22a (+5)* Tornado* Balcony Break** CH only** Doesn’t Balcony Break on airborne
uf+1,1h, m8, 17i13, i19~20-6~-5+2+22a (+5)* Tornado* Balcony Break** CH only** Doesn’t Balcony Break on airborne
uf+1,2h, m8, 25i13, i20~21-14~-13+37d (-21)Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit* Gain LTG +22g on hit with 1+2
uf+2m15i18~21-14~-11+18a (+11)* Enter BOK -11 +21a (+14) with dLow crush 20~
uf+2,1m, m15, 17i18~21, i25~26-8~-7+4+32d* Combo from 1st hit** +23a (+16)Low crush 0~12
uf+3m21i17~21-9~-5+13a (+4)Balcony Break* Can input with u+3** Less forward movement and deals 20 damageLow crush 9~
uf+4m15i15~16-13~-12+33a (+23)* Can input with u+4** Less forward movementLow crush 9~
1+2+3+4Gain LTG
d,DFCrouching state
d,df,f* Cancel into sidestep with U?* No crouching state
f,F+2m25i14~15-9~-8+8a* Balcony Break* Gain LTG -9a on hit with 1+2
f,F+3m20i26~29-7c~-4c+3d* Enter BOK +0 +10d with dLow crush 9~
f,F+4m12i19-13+28a (+18)Low crush 17
f,F+4,3m, h12, 23i19, i12-14+20 (+11)* Balcony Break* Jail from 1st block* Combo from 1st hit +28a (+21)Low crush 0~12
f,F+4,3,4m, h, L12, 23, 17i19, ,i29~31-14~-12-1+30aLow crush 0~7, fs8~10, High crush 20~
uf,n,4m20i23~25-13~-11+32a (+22)Low crush 9~
f,f,F+3m30i23~26+6~+9+13a (+3)* Balcony Break* 9 chip damage on block* 12 chip damage on block in heat* Alternate input wr3Low crush 3~
ws1,4m, L13, 12i14~15, i19~20-12~-11-1Combo from 1st CH
ws1,4,1m, L, m13, 12, 24i14~15, ,i22-14+12a (+3)+44a (-3)* Balcony Break* Combo from 2nd CH
ws2m17i15~16-13~-12+28a (+18)
ws3M9i13~14-6~-5+5Alternate input CD.3
ws3,1M, m9, 9i13~14, i21-10+3* Combo from 1st hit* Enter BOK -10 +9 with d* Alternate input CD.3,1
ws3,1,2M, m, h9, 9, 20i13~14, ,i24~25-9~-8+6d+31d (+23)* Combo from 1st CH or 2nd CH* Alternate input CD.3,1,2
ws4m8i11~12-9~-8+2Alternate input CD.4
ws4,1+2m, m8, 18i11~12, i25~27-12~-10+4d* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5 +43a (+35)* Combo from 1st hit* Alternate input CD.4,1+2
ws1+2m25i13~15-14~-12+22g* Gain LTG +3 on hit with 1+2* Alternate input CD.1+2
SS.1+2m30i19-9+14a (+5)+29d* Balcony Break
BOK.1m14i13-4+9High crush 0~13
BOK.1,2m, m14, 20i13, i17~18-14~-13+72 (+56)* Tornado* Combo from 1st hit
BOK.2M23i19~20-9~-8+41a (+31)High crush 0~19
BOK.3h30i21+5+15d* Homing* Balcony Break* 9 chip damage on block* 12 chip damage on block in heatLow crush 10~
BOK.4m14i20+9+15g+19* Same move as f+4
BOK.1+2M22i20~21-12~-11+15d* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5 +17d* Balcony Break* SpikePower crush 8~
BOK.n* Stance moves may be delayed by 8F?* May perform FC moves from frame 9?High crush
BT.1+2m21i11-20+1a (-8)+22a (-14)* Balcony Break
qcf+1L17i18~19-13~-12-1+11High crush 6~
qcf+2m14i17-9+9* Enter KNK -9 +9 with b
qcf+2,1m, m14, 17i17, i18~19-6~-5+10+30d* Wall Crush on hit +22g* Combo from 1st hit
qcf+2,4m, h14, 26i17, i25~28-4~-1+10d (+0)* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit* 7 chip damage on block* 10 chip damage on block in heatLow crush 13~
qcf+3+4m,m6,20i18~20 i22~24-6~-4+13g* Homing* Balcony BreakLow crush 17~
KNK.1h12i18-9+2* Enter BOK -7 +4 with d
KNK.1,2h, m12, 17i18, i18-9+17* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5 +36a (+26)* Combo from 1st hit
KNK.2h20i13-4+22a (+13)+58a* Balcony Break
KNK.3m13i20-13+28a (+18)Low crush 13~
KNK.3,4m, m13, 18i20, i15-12+80aTornadoLow crush 1~
KNK.4L18i20-12+4c+17d* Spike* Enter CD -10 +6c +19d with df
KNK.1+2M20i25-6+21+41a (+31)* Tornado* Balcony Break** On non-CH grounded connect* 6 chip damage on block* 8 chip damage on block in heat
KNK.3+4L24i24-26+19dHigh crush 8~
OTG.d+3+4L20i21~22-13~-12+3* Spike* -2d (-10) on grounded hit
hFC.1sl5i10-5+6* Transition to Standing with fHigh crush 1~
1+3t35i12~14-3+0dThrow break 1 or 2
2+4t35i12~14-6+0d* Throw break 1 or 2* Side switch on hit* Deals 4 more damage at the wall
Back throwt50i12~14-3d* Deals 10 more damage at the wall
Left throwt40i12~14-3+0d* Throw break 1* Side switch on hit* Deals 4 more damage at the wall
Right throwt40i12~14-3+1d* Throw break 2* Side switch on hit
uf+1+2t40i12~14-6+8d* Balcony Break* Throw break 1+2* Side switch

To character select | Lee / Leroy

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