12 Responses

  1. The damage on Devil Jin’s Demon’s Paw, f,f+2, is wrong. It is not 32 points, it is less than that.

  2. What the difference between the hell sweep of DVJ and the same hell sweep that causes trembling on camera?

    Hell sweep that I’m talking about is f, n, d, d/f+4, 4 + tag.

    1. Not sure what you are thinking about. I think Devil Jin only has one hellsweep, and that is f,n,d,d/f+4,4

      1. No, try to do this “f,n,d,d/f4,4~tag” and you will see how the camera is shaking. If you don’t do tag during the last kick, camera doesn’t shake. There’s the difference.

        1. And also as I said, that’s the hell sweep without CH.

          Check this out, and go at 0:50 & 11:56 and you’ll see the hell sweep shaking the camera, but in 1:39, the same hell sweep does not shake the camera (time out it’s not the cause of this at the 1:39).

          1. Hmm, they all look the same to me. But I’ll try the tag part later.

          2. Yah that’s true , but I don’t see any difference in terms of property apart from animation

    1. I don’t think so, pretty sure it has 15 frames start up. It can’t punish Jinpachi’s fc d/f+1 which is -14 on block. (Jun’s ws+2 is 14 frames and can punish this)

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