8 Responses

  1. bf23~f

    I got a bit confused by this move’s frames. How is bf23~f +17 and guard break on hit? If it were +17 I would be able to land ZAN 1+2 and get a free, hit-confirmable launch (safely cancelable at the end). Did I get something wrong?

    1. Suppose I should update this. Upon further testing, it seems that once hit with the first two hits of b,f2,3~f you are put at -17, but in guardstun. From what I saw, if you try to do anything at all, even crouch, you get hit by CDS 1+2. However, it somehow appeared to be inconsistent. There was this point where I successfully crouched against the recording. Could we get further testing for this?

      It does remind me somewhat of Jin’s overpowered Laser Scraper. If the first two hits are successful the ZAN 1+2 will connect, and even if it misses it’s almost unpunishable. I’ve seen that a Kazama-ryu f+2 can punish it exactly right though.

  2. It says Jin’s 1+2 is -14,
    I am pretty sure that it is only -12
    Because his 12 frame punisher is -12, thats how i remember it

  3. By the way, what are the frames for Jin’s parry? How does it work? Haven’t seen anything of it online that I’m perfectly reliant on.

    1. The parry starts at 4 frames and lasts for a couple of frames, I want to say 6, it then has a couple of frames to block, after he puts his hands down he can’t block for a couple of frames and that is where you can punish him. When you parry a move he will have 4 frames of recovery instead of block animation from said move. To extrapolate on that point a little bit some moves that have quick recovery will not be punishable by parrying them. An example is Heihachi’s D/f 1,1 the second hit is parryable (same window as the non delayed D/F 1,2) but is safe, However, if you parry Heihachi’s D/F 1,2 you can launch the second hit. A lot of strings have a point in them where you can parry a hit and launch afterwards, with research you will find strings where you can parry one hit and then ewhf afterwards for a counterhit in the middle of their string (Jins own 2,1,4 string is an example).

      To maximize use of his parry I would start with parrying tag crashes and to mix up using his parry when raw tagging in (he has a safe option with b1,f,b). I personally haven’t gotten to the point where I consider his parry that often; but I am planning on actively working it in my gameplay against the most common strings from different characters.

  4. So what’s the point of using “1, 3, B” instead of “1, 3”? They seem to have the exact same frames…

    1. The back action has a parry animation that prevents a hit from counterpokers. Used to force whiffs, Jin’s parry is potentially the most awesome move in the game.

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