
Kazuya T8 Frames

Tekken Docs Showcase 02


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To character select | Jun / King

CommandHit levelDamageStart up frameBlock frameHit frameCounter hit frameNotes
2+3m15* Heat Burst
H.2+3l,m,th12,20,34i18-14ThTh* Heat Smash
R.df+1+2m,t55+i20-15+0d* Rage Art* Removes Recoverable Health* Reversal Break* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit* Restores recoverable health on hit* Transition to attack throw on hit* Consumes RagePower crush 8~
1h5i10+1+8Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t27 r17)
1,1h, h5, 6i10, i15-1+6* Jails* Combo from 1st hit
1,1,2h, h, m5, 6, 12i10, ,i13-17+20a(+15)* Combo from 1st hit* Can be delayed 11F* Balcony Break on Air hit
1,1,2,DVK.Fh,h,m,th5,6,12,8i10-17+5* Jails* Partially uses remaining Heat time* Only on hit
1,2h, h5, 8i10, i10-1+8* Jails* Combo from 1st hit* Combo can be delayed 12F from 1st hit
1,2,2h, h, h5, 8, 12i10, ,i17-12+4
1,2,2~3h, h, m5, 8, 23i10, ,i23-9+6
1,2,4h, h, l5, 8, 18i10, ,i23~24-14c-3+0c* Combo from 2nd CH* Can be delayed 7F
1,2,4,3h, h, l, m5, 8, 18, 25i10, ,i32-2+24a(+15)+69a)* Balcony Break* Combo from 3rd CH* Can be delayed
2,2h, m12, 24i12, i24~25-8+7+50a* Combo from 1st CH
3,1h, h12, 10i14, i19-1+7* Combo from 1st hit* Enter WGS (+2/+10) with input DF
3,1,4h, h, m12, 10, 17i14, ,i21~22-6+8+40a(+32)* Combo from 2nd CH* Can be delayed 14F* Combo can be delayed 6F from CH
4~3m,m18,17i31-10-1g* Floor BreakLow crush 10~
1+2m,m5,20i12-13+13aBalcony Break
f+2m23i20-12+13a(+4)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Absorb an attack to power up* Add chip damage when guardedPower crush 8~
f+3m22i17-13+5+54a(+23)Balcony Break on air hit
f+1+2m20i25-9+11a(+2)* Balcony Break* Parries high and mid punchesParry state 3?~10?
df+1,2m, h11, 20i15~16, i15+0c+9g* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +67a (+50a) on hit, +5 on block* 6 Chip Damage on block* 8 Chip Damage on block in heat* Combo from 1st hit with 6?F delay
df+1,4m, h11, 20i15~16, i16-11KND* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit with 6?F delay
df+1,df+2m, m11, 22i15~16, i22-8+18c+32a(+22)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st CH with 6?F delay
df+2m22i14-12+5+59a* Homing* Balcony Break on air hit* Crumple stun +13F after CH
df+3,2m, m13, 15i18, -11+5* Combo from 1st hit* Can be delayed 10F* Combo can be delayed 10F from hit
df+3,2,1m, m, m13, 15, 21i18, -14+8(-1)+25* Tornado* Balcony Break* Combo from 2nd CH* Can be delayed 16F
df+3,2,1*m, m, m13, 15, 25i18, i46+11+10(+1)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Wall Crush +18g on block* Chip damage when guarded
df+4,4m, m10, 16i13~14, i15~16-15-4c* Spike* Combo from 1st hit* Can be delayed 11F* Combo can be delayed 11F from hit
df+3+4,1m,h, m7,9, 15i18, i11-11+1
df+3+4,1,2m,h, m, sm,sm7,9, 15, 14,25i18, ,i20-19+7 (-10)* Balcony Break* Chip damage when guarded
d+1sl5i10-5+6* Returns to standing when input FHigh crush 4~
d+2sl8i11-4+7High crush 4~
d+3l10i16-17-6High crush 4~
d+4l6i12-15-4High crush 4~
d+1+2l20i23-14c+3c+27aHigh crush 6~
d+1+2,Bl, sp20, 0i23, High crush 6~
db+1,2m, m,m7, 8,15i13, i20-19+9a (-8)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +35a (+27a) on hit, +5 on block* Balcony Break* 4 Chip Damage on block* 8 (2+6) Chip Damage on block in heat* Combo from 1st hit with 1?F delay
db+3l14i19~20-12c-1+7cHigh crush 6~
db+4l18i20-12+4+17gFlips over on grounded hit
b+1,2h, m10, 20i11, i20-14+9 (+0)* Balcony Break* Combo from 1st hit* Can be delayed 14F* Combo can be delayed 10F from hit
b+2,2m, m12, 14i14, i25-10+1
b+2,2,1+2m, m, h12, 14, 20i14, ,i28~32-8+38d (-20)* Balcony Break* Chip damage when guarded
b+2,4m, h12, 12i14, i22-3+8* Combo from 1st hit* Can be delayed 10F* Combo can be delayed 5F from hit
b+2,4,1m, h, m12, 12, 22i14, ,i19-14+11a (+2)* Balcony Break* Combo from 2nd CH
b+3,1h, h15, 10i18, i12+0+6* Jails* Combo from 1st hit
b+3,1,4h, h, l15, 10, 10i18, ,i16-10c+7
b+3,1,4,1h, h, l, m15, 10, 10, 15i18, ,i15-14+15a (+6)Balcony Break
b+3,1,4,3h, h, l, l15, 10, 10, 12i18, ,i20-13c+1
b+4h20i17-5+16g* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +62a (+42a) on hit, +5 on block* Homing* 6 Chip Damage on block* 8 Chip Damage on block in heat
b+1+2m21i22-8+5* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +36a (+26a) on hit, +5 on block* 6 Chip Damage on block* 8 Chip Damage on block in heat
ub+1+2h32i41+19d (-39)+19d (-39)* Chip damage when guarded* Jack-8 or Alisa can recovery 20 by input 1+2* Balcony Break
uf+1m12i18-12-1* SpikeLow crush 9~
uf+2h17i15-12+9* Balcony Break on air hit
uf+3m25i19-9+17(+9)* Balcony BreakLow crush 9~
uf+4m16i25-12-1* Balcony Break on air hitLow crush 9~
uf+4,4m, l16, 12i25, -23+29aCombo from 1st CH
uf+4,4,4m, l, l16, 12, 10i25, -23+17a (+10)
uf+4,4,4,4m, l, l, m16, 12, 10, 20i25, -17+19a (+12)Balcony Break
1+2+3+4sp* Shift to charging
f,F+2m20i16-9+39d(-19)/HE* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +36a (+26a) on hit, +5 on block* Balcony Break* 6 Chip Damage on block* 8 Chip Damage on block in heat
f,F+3m21i20-3c+46a* Spike
f,n,DFsp* Cannot be buffered* Connect to Wind God Step* Cost: 2F
f,n,d,DFsp* Cannot be buffered* Cost 3F
f,n,d,DF+4,1l, m15, 23i16, i26-16+17a(+10* Balcony Break* Combo from first hit
f,n,d,DF+4,4l, h15, 25i16, i30-9+5a(+4)* Balcony Break* Combo from first hitLow crush
f,n,d,df:2h23i11+5+39a(+29)* Chip damage when guarded
f,n,d,df+1m23i20-16+29a(+19)* Tornado* Meaty 1F in actuality
f,n,d,df+2h20i11-10+39a(+29)Becomes Electric Wind God Fist during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat Time)
f,n,d,df+3h30i18~27-9+12a(+2)Balcony BreakLow crush 9~
f,n,d,df+1+2m25i24+5+25a(+15)+59a* Tornado* Balcony Break* Chip damage when guarded
uf,n,4m20i23-13+32a(+22)Low crush 9~
f,f,F+3m30i22~25+6+13a(+3)* Balcony Break* Chip damage when guardedLow crush 3~
ws1,2m, m10, 12i13, i22-12+73a(+57)* Tornado* Combo from 1st hit
ws3m24i21-5+20a(+11)* Homing* Balcony Break
ws4,4m, m13, 16i11~12, -15-4c* Combo from 1st hit
SS.3m23i23-7+16a(+7)+50dBalcony Break
FC.df+3+4m24i23-11c+11aHigh crush ,Low crush 13~
(back to wall).b,b,ubm25i29-1+45d (-13)* Air Status 5Fis8~13
BT.d+1sl15i10+6-5High crush 1~
BT.d+3l6i12-15-4High crush 1~
BT.u+3m18i9-12+19a (+9)<div class="plainlist">* Low crush 9~24* fs25~27</div>
DVK.1+4m27i21~31-9+3a* Tornado* Partially uses remaining Heat time* absorb an attack to power upPower crush 6?
DVK.3+4ub(m)30i64-16(-77)* Partially uses remaining Heat timeLow crush 25~
DVK.OTG.db+1+2l20i24~29-13+13a (+1)* Partially uses remaining Heat time
DVK.SS.2m25i17-15+76a* Tornado* Partially uses remaining Heat time
DVK.db+3+4l0i24-19+2* Partially uses remaining Heat time
DVK.db+3+4,DFl, sp0, 0i24, -19+11* Partially uses remaining Heat time
DVK.f,F+2m,th20,20i16-9+0* Partially uses remaining Heat time* Only on hit* Throw can be canceled with B
DVK.f,n,d,df+1m,th23,15i20-16Th* Partially uses remaining Heat time* On hit, does not shift to throw with n
DVK.f,n,d,df+3h,th30,15i18+6Th* Partially uses remaining heat* Throw can be canceled with b* Meaty hit is +5Low crush
DVK.ub+1+2ub(h)40i41+14 (-44)* Partially uses remaining Heat time* Jack-8 or Alisa can recovery 20 by input 1+2
f,(even numbers frames).nsp
f,(odd numbers frames).nsp
f,n,d,DF+4,1,DVK.1l,m,m,th15,23,16,15i16-19+0* Partially uses remaining Heat time
f,n,d,DF+4,1,DVK.1,Bl,m,m,th, sp15,23,16,15, 0i16, i16-17+17a (+10)
hFC.1sl5i10-5+6* Transition to Standing with fHigh crush 1~
hFC.2sl8i11-4+7High crush 1~
hFC.3L10i16-17-6High crush 1~
hFC.4l6i12-15-4High crush 1~
1+3th(h)35i12~14+0+2d* Homing* Throw break: 1 or 2* Recovers BT on break
2+4th(h)35i12~14+0+0d* Homing* Throw break: 1 or 2

To character select | Jun / King

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