11 Responses

  1. So if it says that Kazuya’s B1,2 is 11 frames why does everyone refer to it as his 12 frame punisher? And also what does the ~ mean between the number for example Kazuya’s B1,2 says 11~12 so does this mean it varies or something? I know that armor king’s F2,1 is -11 and I can punish this with Kazuya’s B1,2, although I have not tested this with other moves. Can anybody answer my questions any responses are appreciated.

    1. depends on distance to inpact. and if your on or off axis. almost the same as when you ch df2 someone off axis. you can launch them with a 14-15 frame electric instead of a perfect 13 frame ewgf

  2. Are his Twin Pistons really 13 Frm. fast?!
    Because I can´t punish Heihachis df+1,2 = OC -13
    I ask because,I know Bruce can punish it with WS+2,1 – and it is a 13 Frm. Punisher.
    It´s a little bit tricky to prove it against Hei; Kaz TP don´t hit usually,due to the range – but in some situ. with the right angle, the range is there, but he does´t launch him – That why I´m asking.

    1. If you are thinking about his ws+1,2 I’m pretty sure that it has 13 frames startup. This move together with ewgf is what makes him (on paper) the best punisher in the game.
      To verify you can block Nina’s d/b+3 in practice mode and check that is says punish when you hit her with ws+1,2.

    2. It is. It’s like you said — usually it won’t reach to punish Heihachi’s df12. You can sometimes launch him at the wall when there is less pushback.

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