27 Responses

  1. When are you going to update the Datas to T7? It would really help for such a complex charakter.

  2. Nearly all the Damage Numbers are wrong… you should really rework this datas. i testet nearly all of them whit tekkenbot and even the frames are wrong in many cases.

    greetz and keep up the good work.

    1. Yes, these are for tag 2 and not tekken7. They have scaled the damage. Will start from scratch for t7.

  3. I don’t know if i personally found this or it has been forgotten in Lei’s (extensive) move list, but after PAN 2 you can hit 1 and get a mid jab. (So PAN 2,1). It’s a string, but i have absolutely no idea about the frames or if there are any options from that despite recent testing (stance changing from it/other inputs/etc)

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