«Frame Data»
Thanks to MadCow for TTT2 Frame Data. This was based on translation from inatekken. That site is now down, and some from our own.
If you find any mistakes in the frames, please leave a comment at the page. (Desktop only)
*** Page update in progress ***
Data is updated for version 1.02.
Base Roster
Base Roster
Ancient Orge
Base Roster
Base Roster
Base Roster
Armor King
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47 Responses
Thx, everything seems to be fine now
What about Combot? His Excellent Rush is his only original attack. It’s the only command that you would have to post.
Sorry, I’m not going back to updating ttt2 frame data. It’s 2019, move on to tekken 7
But if you have the frame data, add it here.
Where did the frame data go?
Yes, we are having some problems with site. Should be up in 24 hours.
all pages should be back up now. Sorry for downtime
Still no framedata for ttt2, there’s framedata for T7, but you can no longer look up framedata for TTT2
Sorry, we had some technical difficulties. But the tag 2 frame data should be up again now.
Let me know if there are still some pages missing.
Hey i am new to tekken please can you tell me about frames…
Some usefull information
Can’t get any of the links to work
tried my iphone, ipad, and pc
We’re having some issues. Will try to resolve as fast as possible
Should be good now
after you add the marker as explain above, pick a character list and after do click in the google chrome markers and you will see a filter input field below “basic frame data” link. in these input field you can put text to filter “input” column or put @(column number) [search field] like “@4 12” to filtering moves that speed contains “12”
if you add the follow snippet as new marker in google chrome this will allows filtering capabilities to the movement list… is pretty cool
copy the following test in url field of new google chrome marker. In the name field put your desired text like “Filter for rbnorways list”.
javascript:(function(){$=jQuery;var ctl=$(“p:contains(‘Basic frame data’)”),htmlStr=ctl.html();htmlStr+=”search text ( you can set search column with @{col#} )”,ctl.html(htmlStr);var rows=$(“table tr”);rows.splice(0,1),$(“#speedFilter”).on(“change keyup paste”,function(){var a=$(this).val(),b=1;a.indexOf(“@”)!=-1&&(b=a.replace(“@”,””).split(” “)[0],a=a.replace(“@”,””).split(” “)[1]),rows.hide(),rows.filter(function(c,d){var e=$(this),f=e.children(“td:nth-child(“+b+”)”).text().toLowerCase();return f.indexOf(a)!=-1}).show()});}())
Anybody know the frames on Combot’s hcb1, excellent rush? I tested it at around i16~ and -11 on block. I thought the startup was quicker, but maybe my input is not perfect, although it does seem to allow the hcf to be buffered pretty early
Combot just borrows moves from other characters
It’s a combot unique move, the only combot unique move.
Craig and Ling are names but Dragunov is a surname, what the..!
I don’t know, I just went by the names I usually use
I wish you had included the move names. Any chance you will be updating the movelists with move names?