«Frame Data»


Thanks to MadCow for TTT2 Frame Data. This was based on translation from inatekken. That site is now down, and some from our own.

If you find any mistakes in the frames, please leave a comment at the page. (Desktop only)

***⚠️ Page update in progress ***

Data is updated for version 1.02.


RBN Marker 2


Base Roster

RBN Marker 2


Base Roster

RBN Marker 2

Ancient Orge

Base Roster

RBN Marker 2


Base Roster

RBN Marker 2


Base Roster

RBN Marker 2

Armor King

Base Roster

RBN Marker 2


Base Roster

RBN Marker 2


Base Roster

RBN Marker 2


Base Roster

47 Responses

  1. Awsome MC, this has been great for helping me pick up MDK, STE, RVN, BRU, LAR. One thing I have noted on both Characters I currently play (DRA + AMK) oddly the DF+4 command is not in either movelist ? I checked this on PSP as its not there either in the game command list ! Just a small thing, but its odd isnt it, I wonder if the other characters are missing anything ? Note I dont mean your Frame Data is incomplete, I actually mean those moves get listed at all anywhere. It would also be great to have a small legend at he bottom of this list with the Acronyms translated. I know most, but a few like (TC)(TJ) I would have never worked out without someone commenting as above.


    – F0x

    1. IPhone app would be nice, but I currently don’t have a Mac. So I would need some support/donations.
      But at least you can view the frames through a web browser on your IPhone 🙂

  2. This is the best frame data of TT2 congratulations. I see a section called Basic Frame Data and i was wondering if you could add a “basic wake up frame data” XD? You know PLD,KND,SLD,FCD then 3 or 4. That would be amazing, thans and great job.

    1. Thank you. That is a good suggestion. We actually don’t have any generall frame data. I would also like to have data for tag-crash.
      I’ll try to look into it.

  3. r u sure that its i18? well its a useful move in some situation cuz its a launcher. u can launch some moves in the game which r really hard to launch with regular moves for some characters like 1+2+5 can launch eddy’s d/f+3+4 or asuka’s b+3 or WS+3. if i m playing steve then 1+2+5 is the move which can launch eddy’s d/f+3+4 on block.

  4. Some characters need that move at the wall for those who don’t have a single bound move like one of the guys i use which is Marduk. If I didn’t use that move in some situations, I could get a full wall combo.

    1. I think it’s i18. Very bad move! Launch punishable. It is also -18 on block I think. You should never ever use that shitty move! I don’t know why they even put it in the game. It does shitty damage. Why on earth would anyone ever use it??

  5. Mad Cow. I wanted to ask you if I could use this frame data for Tekken Chicken. I’m working on the app now and I’ve already got a link to this website and I’m giving credit to your name in the app. E-mail me at elterreeblay@gmail.com if you have any questions.

  6. thanks alot bro and i seen for Bob u said ub+3 is JG and also d+3+4 JG can u please tell me what move to do to begin with my juggle or is it only for when there is a wall behind my opponent

    1. I think it was wrong to translate to Juggle starters. I have changed it a bit so it is translated to Launch, not specifiying if you get a combo or not.

    1. The frame data usually follow the legend at tekkenzaibatsu.com/legend.php. Tc is technical crouch aka high crush, tj is technical jump aka low crush.

  7. Appreciate the info.

    Would like it if you finished up the rest of the characters that were shipped and unlocked from the start, rather than making the hidden/DLC priority..

    Glad I recently picked up Wang ‘n Baek, cuz’ apart from Paul, all my other characters don’t have pages.
    REALLY wanna see Bruce’s frame data..

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Here you go, Bruce is done 🙂
      Since I still don’t have A.Ogre and Kuni, they’ll be done last.

  8. i hope DLC chars will be up soon same goes for true ogre and jinpachi. thanks for this vast frame data sir. keep it up.

    1. Of the DLC chars I’ve done Michelle and Angel. If someone gives me a code to download A.Ogre and Kunimitsu I’ll do them next.

  9. Hi Guys !!!
    You are Doing a Wonderful Job Updating the FrameDATA……..Its more Better ( I mean more readable and easy ) to understand then that FrameDATA on ATP !!!
    I play with King,Lei and Jinpachi and was shocked to see none of them in the FrameDATA list 🙁 !!! PLZ can you upload their FrameDATA
    Thank You 🙂

  10. Hey man!

    Just wanted to say thanks for updating this page with new frame data 🙂

    If you had an iPhone app i would buy it right away!

    Take care 🙂

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