
Jack 8 T8 Frames

Tekken Docs Showcase 02


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To character select | Hwoarang / Jin

CommandHit levelDamageStart up frameBlock frameHit frameCounter hit frameNotes
2+3m(12)i16+1+2cHeat BurstPower crush
H.2+3h,m,t50i10-9-2d (-12)* Heat Smash* Balcony Break* Chip damage on block (19)
R.df+1+2m,t55+i20-15+0d* Rage Art* Removes Recoverable Health* Reversal Break* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit* Restores recoverable health on hit* Transition to attack throw on hit* Consumes RagePower crush 8~
1,1h, m10, 22i12, i15-14c+4c+12d* Elbow* Combos from 1st hit* Transition to GMH with D* (+4 oB, +8c oH, +16d cH)
1,2h, h10, 24i12, i19-2+30aCombos from 1st hit CH
2h10i11+1+9* Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t29 r18)* Tracking notes:* May be sidewalked left only at +4. Pseudo-homing right tracking.* May be sidestepped right at -7.
2,1h, m10, 12i11, i16-3+2* Elbow* Combos from 1st hit
2,1,2h, m, m10, 12, 20i11, ,i33-12+29a (+19)
2,1,1+2h, m, h,h,h,h,h10, 12, 10,6,6,6,20i11, ,i33-4+13dJails
2,3h, m10, 18i11, i19-13+5+30d (+22)* Knee* Combo from 1st hit* 2nd hit Balcony Break on CH
3h30i18-14+18d (+8)Balcony Break
4h18i16-4+7+32d (+22)Balcony Break on CH
1+2m,m8,14i15-13+67a (+51)* Tornado* Instant Tornado* Homing
1+4i22~* Alternate input hcf* Can be held for up to 5 spins
1+4*,1m35/45/55/199i17(68/93/118~)!+70d* Balcony Break* Unblockable
1+4,1m25i22~, i17(43~)+21g+7a (-2)+39d (-8)* Balcony Break* Alternate input hcf,1 to power up* Chip damage on block (7)
1+4,df+1m21i22~, i20~23-17+52a (+42)* Tornado* Non just frame version of 1+4:df+1* Alternate input hcf,df+1 to power up
1+4:df+1m30i20~23-17+66a (+50)* Tornado* Instant Tornado* Just frame version of 1+4,df+1 * Alternate input hcf:df+1 to power up
3+4pc7* When timed with opponent attack, or absorbing an attack, shift to Gamma Charge* Powercrush active from 7f to 22f* Recover Heat and recoverable health when absorbing an attack* Gamma Charge is always in effect during Heat* Alternate input: ws3+4
f+1m13i14-6+5* Tracking Notes:* Might be sidewalked left at +8 only?* Might be sidestepped left at -4 only? * Effectively homing?
f+1,1m, h13, 25i14, i25-7+8d (-1)+40d (-7)Combos from 1st hit
f+1,2m, h13, 12i14, i22-6+5Combos from 1st hit
f+1,2,1m, h, m13, 12, 12i14, ,i26-12+65a (+49)* Tornado* Instant Tornado
f+1,2,2m, h, m13, 12, 12i14, ,i33+6+3d* Can be charged to power up
f+1,2,2*m, h, m13, 12, 12i14, ,i61-12 (0 wall crush)+11d (-15)* Balcony Break* Wall crush* Chip damage on block (16)
f+2h22i10-12+5+32a (+24)* Tracking notes:* Can be sidewalked left at -2 or -1* Can be sidestepped right at -4
f+3m18i15-9+5* Knee* Transition to GMH with D** (+2 oB, +16g oH, +16 ch)* Alternate input ws3
f+3,2m, h18, 20i15, i23-9+44d (-14)* Balcony Break* Combos from 1st hit* Alternate input ws3,2
f+3,1+2m, m18, 20i15, i25-11c+2d+48a* Combos from 1st hit CH* Alternate input ws3,1+2
f+4m20i17-4+7+32d (+22)Balcony Break on CH
f+4~1,2m30i15 (66~)+8+0dElbow
f+1+2m,m12,20i27 pc7-12+32d (+6)* Balcony Break* Chip damage on block when absorbing an attack (12)* Tracking notes:* Can sidewalked left at -7* Can sidestepped at -6*Power crush 7
f+3+4m24i22-11+9c* Headbutt* Transition to GMH with D** (-3 oB, +15c oH)
df+1,1m, m12i14, i29-11+21cg+72a (+56)* Tornado* Balcony Break* Combos from 1st hit CH* Delayable
df+1,2m, h12, 10i14, i29-12-1*Jails* Combos from 1st hit CH* Delayable
df+1,2,1m, h, h12, 10, 2i14, ,i15-10-2* Jails* On air hit +22a (+15)* Combos from 2nd hit* Combos from 1st hit CH
df+1,2,1,2m, h, h, h12, 10, 2, 20i14, ,i9-18+35d (-23)* Balcony Break* On air hit +12 (+5) * Combos from 2nd hit* Combos from 1st hit CH
df+2m13i15-14+31a (+21)
df+2,1m, h13, 16i15, i21-32+40a (+22)* Transition to GMH with D** (+45a (+27) oH)* Can be charged to power up
df+2,1*m, h13, 16i15, i35-46+69a (+53)* Tornado* Transition to GMH with D** (+70a (+54) oH))
df+3,2m, h16, 20i16, i20-9+25dBalcony Break
df+1+4l23i34-37+18d* Homing* Alternate input b,db,d,df+1 to power up
df+2+3m26i22-9+31d (-5)* Balcony Break* Alternate input b,db,d,df+2 to power up
df+3+4m28i13-23+10a (+1)Balcony Break
d+1s5i10-5+6*High crush 4
d+2s8i11-4+7* Alternate input FC.2High crush 4
d+2,1s, l8, 6i11, i24-14-3* Alternate input FC.2,1Combos from 1st hitFirst two hits of 10 hit combo
d+3l12i20-17-6* Alternate input FC.d+3High crush 4
d+4l10i16-15-4* Alternate input FC.d+4High crush 4
d+1+2m28i27-18+42a (+32)*High crush 6
d+1+2m18i28+18g+39d* Recovers in SIT, then stands up
d+3+4* Transitions to SIT (Sit Down)
db+1,1l, l13, 5i12, i16-12-1* Combos from 1st hit
db+1,1,1l, l, l13, 5, 5i12, ,i16-12-1*
db+1,1,1,2l, l, l, m13, 5, 5, 21i12, ,i19-11+43a (-4)* Balcony Break
db+2l24i22-18+3c+33d* Can be charged to power upHigh crush 6
db+2*l30i36-33+17d* Chip damage on block (9)
db+3, … 1+2l, h15, 21i21, i34+14g+43a (-15)* Balcony Break
db+3, … d+1+2l, m (th)15, 4,5,5,5,5,21i21, i340* Crouch throw (Unbreakable)* Can be executed after any hit of Cossack Kicks (DB+3,4,3…)
db+3,4l, l15, 12i21, i27-16-9*
db+3,4,3l, l, l15, 12, 12i21, ,i27-19-8*
db+3,4,3,4l, l, l, l15, 12, 12, 12i21, ,i27-16-5*
db+3,4,3,4,3l, l, l, l, l15, 12, 12, 12, 12i21, ,i27-19-8*
db+3,4,3,4,3,4l, l, l, l, l, l15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12i21, ,i27-16-5*
db+4l14i16-13-2*High crush 6
b+1,2m, m17, 17i20, i26-14c+15d+47a* Spike* Combos from 1st hit
b+2m27i19+5+2d* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +36a(+26)* Balcony Break
b+2*m40i35-2 (+5 WC)+17a (+9)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +36a(+26)* Balcony Break* Wall crush* Chip damage on block (16)
b+3,2m, h14, 13i16, i22-4+1* Transition to GMH with D** (+0 oB, +5 oH)
b+3,2,2m, h, h14, 13, 20i16, ,i25-9+44d (-14)* Balcony Break* Can be charged to power up
b+3,2,2*m, h, m14, 13, 40i16, ,i67-9+13d (+5)* Balcony Break* Wall Crush +3 on block* Chip damage on block (16)
b+4,4m, m16, 21i13, i30-4-8d* Combos from 1st hit CH* When comboing from 1st hit: Floor Break
b+1+2m28i14-19-1d (-10)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +43d(+35)* Balcony Break
ub+1+2h30i20 pc7-9+23d* Balcony Break* Homing* Chip damage on block when absorbing an attack (12)Power crush 7
u+4m25i25-16+15a (+5)* Balcony Break* Alternate input ub+4, uf+4Low crush
u+1+2m23i19-13+49a (+39)*
u+3+4m40i94~100!+17d* Unblockable* Can input additional 3+4 (up to 4 times) to fly farther and deal more damage* Alternate input ub+3+4Low crush
uf+1h10i17+71a (+55)* Tornado* Only hits airborne opponents* Transition to GMH with D** (+75a (+59))* Can be charged to power up* Alternate input ub+1, u+1
uf+1*h35i35+69a (+53)* Tornado* Only hits airborne opponents* Transition to GMH with D** (+70a (+54))* Alternate input ub+1*, u+1*
uf+2m25i24 js9+4c+7c+11d* ElbowLow crush 9
uf+3l(8)i23 js9-12+8c* Automatically transitions to GMH on hit* Alternate input ub+3, u+3Low crush 9
uf+3+4m23i34 js8+13cg+20d* Automatically transitions to SIT on hit or blockLow crush 8
HCFi22~* Alternate input 1+4* Can be looped together in 360 motions for up to 5 spins
HCF,1m30i22~, i17(43~)+21g+7a (-2)+39d (-8)* Balcony Break* Alternate input 1+4,1* Chip damage on block (9)
HCF,df+1m25i22~, i20~23-17+52a (+42)* Tornado* Non blue spark version, for a just frame version search “emgf”* Alternate input 1+4,df+1
HCF:df+1m36i20~23-17+66a (+50)* Tornado* Instant Tornado* Just frame version of hcf,df+1, for a normal version search “one”* Alternate input 1+4:df+1
b,db,d,df+1l28i29-37+18d* Homing* Alternate input df+1+4
b,db,d,df+2m31i22-9+31d (-5)* Balcony Break* Alternate input df+2+3
f,F+1m22i15-6+8c+16d* Transition to GMH with D* (+4 oB, +8c oH, +16d cH)
f,F+2m23i18-16+53a (+43)* Can be charged to power up
f,F+2*m3534-15+61a* Tornado* Chip damage on block (14)
f,F+3m22i26+4c+9c+22a* Transition to FC with D
f,F+4m32i16-10+15d (+5)* Tornado * Balcony Break* Chip damage on block (12)
f,F+1+2,2m, m20, 24i15, i32-11+11a (+2)*Balcony Break* Combos from 1st hit
f,F+1+2,1+2m, l20, 21i15, i28-19+13dHigh crush
f,F+1+4m (l)25i21-82-88* Low attack on landing (-110 oB, -65 oH)Low crush
uf,n,2m28i32-1c+10c*Low crush
f,f,F+2m25i22+6+10* Chip damage on block (7)* Guarantees i10 moves on hit* Alternate input wr2
f,f,F+1+2m34i20~23+4+7a (-2)* Balcony Break* Chip damage on block (10)* Alternate input wr1+2
ws1m14i15-13+34a (+24)*
ws2,1m, m10, 17i14, i15-14c+3d+49a* Combos from 1st hit
ws2,4m, h10, 26i14, i16+4+21a (+11)* Balcony Break* Combos from 1st hit* Chip damage on block (7)
ws1+2m14i20-15+26a (+16)*
ws1+2,1+2m, m14, 12i20, i17-15+15d* Floor Break* Combos from 1st hit
ws1+2,1+2,1+2m, m, l14, 12, 14i20, ,i27-23+6d* Balcony Break* Combos from 1st hit
ss2h20i17+9+35d (+27)* Balcony Break* Transition to GMH with D** (+9 oB, +35d (+27) oH)* Chip damage on block (6)
FC.1l10i19-8+3*High crush 1
FC.1,1l, l10, 14i19, i31-12+5*High crush
FC.1,2l, m10, 24i19, i32-11+11a (+2)+43a (-4)* Balcony Break
FC.2s8i11-4+7* Alternate input d+2High crush 1
FC.2,1s, l8, 6i11, i24-14-3* Alternate input d+2,1Combos from 1st hitFirst two hits of 10 hit combo
FC.3l12i20-17-6* Alternate input d+3High crush 1
FC.4l10i16-15-4* Alternate input d+4High crush 1
FC.1+2l21i24-15+13d* Alternate input FC.db+1+2High crush 1
FC.1+2,1+2l, m21, 23i24, i40-18+42a (+32)* Combos from 1st hit
FC.db+1l14i14-11+3*High crush 1
FC.db+1,1l, m14, 10i14, i24-6+5*High crush
FC.db+1,1,1l, m, m14, 10, 20i14, ,i20-14+9a* Balcony Break* Can be charged to power up
FC.db+1,1,1*l, m, m14, 10, 30i14, ,i34-6+15a (+7)* Balcony Break* Chip damage on block (12)
FC.df+1,2m, m5, 8i23, i16-21-11c* Combos from 1st hit
FC.df+1,2,1m, m, m5, 8, 11i23, ,i16-11+16cs* Combos from 1st hit
FC.df+1,2,1,1m, m, m, h5, 8, 11, 30i23, ,i21+15+13BT* Guard Break
FC.df+2m12i17-13-2*High crush
FC.df+2,1m, m12, 10i17, i26-4+7*High crush
FC.df+2,1,2m, m, m12, 10, 10i17, ,i27-12+29a (+19)*High crush
FC.df+2,d+1m, l12, 8i17, i22-11+0* Balcony Break* Combos from 1st hitHigh crush
FC.df+2,f+1m, h12, 23i17, i19-4+32a* Balcony Break* Combos from 1st hitHigh crush
FC.df+4,2m, m10, 17i12, i20-14+4c+19d*
FC.df+3+4m28i21-9+1a (-8)+33a (-14)* Balcony Break
GMC.1m22i22-6+73a (+57)* Homing* * Partially uses remaining Heat time* Chip damage on block (4)
GMC.2h42i20 pc1+11+31a (+5)* Tornado* Guard Break* Balcony Break* Partially uses remaining Heat time* Chip damage on block (4)Power crush 1
GMH.1m20i22-9+25d* Homing* Balcony Break
GMH.2h40i20+11g+21d (+11)* Balcony Break* Tornado
GMH.3m28i24+4+9c+22a* Transition to FC with D** (+7 oH, +2 oB)
GMH.4h30i14~18+4+21d (+11)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +36a(+26)* Balcony Break* Chip damage on block (9)
GMH.3+4sm20i20 pc6-13+40d (-18)* Heat Engager* Heat Dash +5, +36a(+26)* Chip damage on block when absorbing an attack (6)Power crush 6
GMH.f+1m26i20-17+66a (+50)* Tornado* Instant Tornado
GMH.f+2m34i17-13+30a (+4)* Balcony Break
GMH.ubjs12*Recover in crouchLow crush 12
GMH.ufjs12*Recover in crouchLow crush 12
SIT.1,2l, l10, 10i19, i15-47-36* Combos from 1st hit
SIT.1,2,1l, l, l10, 10, 10i19, ,i15-47-36* Combos from 1st hit
SIT.1,2,1,2l, l, l, l10, 10, 10, 10i19, ,i15-47-36* Combos from 1st hit* Alternate input SIT.2,1,2,1
SIT.3+4m35i54+13cg+20d*Low crush
(During Enemy wall stun) 1+3t33i12!+0d* Wall throw (Unbreakable)* Alternate input 2+4 or uf+1+2
1+3t35i12+0+1d* Throw Break 1 or 2* Swaps positions on break
2+4t35i12-6-3d* Throw Break 1 or 2* Swaps positions on break* Side Switch
Back Throw 1+3t70i12!+3d* Unbreakable* Floor Break
Back Throw 2+4t70i12!+17d* Unbreakable* Balcony Break
GMH.1+3t30i15!+0d* Crouch Throw (Unbreakable)* Floor Break* Alternate input d+1+3
GMH.2+4t25i15!+6d* Heat Engager* Cannot cancel into Heat Dash* Crouch Throw (Unbreakable)* Alternate input d+2+4
GMH.1+2th45 (57)i16-6+0d* 57 Damage if opponent hits the wall* Throw Break 1+2* Swaps positions on break
Left Throwt40i12-3+1d* Throw Break 1* Balcony Break
Right Throwt40i12-3+0d* Throw Break 2* Side Swap
db,n,f+1+2t50i11-6-1d* Throw Break 1+2* Floor Break
db+2+3t25i11-2+14c* Throw Break 2* Floor Break
df,DF+2+4t10i14-2+54a* Throw Break 2*
df+2+4t10i11-2+26a* Throw Break 2*
d+1+3t30i12!+0d* Crouch Throw (Unbreakable)* Floor Break* Can be done from crouch* Alternate input GMH.1+3
d+2+4t25i12!+6d* Heat Engager* Cannot cancel into Heat Dash* Crouch Throw (Unbreakable)* Can be done from crouch* Alternate input GMH.2+4
qcb+2t45i11-2+12d* Throw Break 2
qcf+1t40i11-2-2d* Throw Break 1* Floor Break
uf+1+2t35i11-6-10d* Throw Break 1+2* Floor Break
uf+1+2,d,df+2t40i11-6+19a (-7)* Throw Break 1+2* Balcony Break* Wallsplats opponent* If blocked, does 20 chip dmg and is -2 oB

To character select | Hwoarang / Jin

3 Responses

  1. Typo:
    f+3+4 m 24 i22 -11 +9c * Headbutt* Transition to GMH with D** (-3 oB, +15g oB)

    It’s “+15g oH”, not oB.

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